Anki addon to sort cards according to a frequency dictionary
It mostly works, some things are a little messy so I advice to make backups often. If you have an issue or feature you want to see added, please do say something by opening an issue in the Github repo
Import your yomichan frequency dictionaries into the addon. Sort the selected card types by frequency or rank.
Install the addon from the Anki addon page
Clone this repository
git clone -main %APPDATA%\Roaming\Anki2\addons21
git clone -main ~/.local/share/Anki2/addons21
OR download the addon into your addons folder
- Restart Anki
- Open Freqman->Preferences from the main Anki window menu
- Set your note types in the Note Filter section
- Import a dictionary from the Dictionary Selection section
- Select dictionary
- Apply changes
- Reorder your cards by clicking Freqman->Reorder cards from the main Anki window menu
Open the preferences menu and reset you database and tags, if that doesn't work, reset your settings. If this fixes it you can blame it on my bad future-proofing.
Apart from that you can try using the 'rebuild database' option in the tools menu.
Please open an issue in the Github repo
This is basically a replacement for morphman since its development has not kept up with recent anki releases. I also use morphman in a very particular way that ignores its main features, I'm making this to remove bloat and simplify the process.
User config goes in config.json at the root of the addon, this is managed by anki.
The user files go into the folder user_files, which contains the databases.
user's known terms go in here
imported dictionaries go in here