This entire thing is a mess, and needs to be redone. The only thing up to date is Education and Certs. The summary isn't acurate atp.
Gatorz Cyber Security Student, VR enthusiast and part-time Florida Man
サイバーセキュリティの学生、VR 愛好家、パートタイムのフロリダ男性
Hack the Planet! | 惑星をハックする
Currently attending: Santa Fe College Dual enrollment Student for Cyber Security / IT
- Microsoft Excel (Office 2016)
- Microsoft PowerPoint (Office 2016)
- Microsoft Word (Office 2016)
- Graphic Design & Illustration Using Adobe Illustrator (Noncurrent as of 5/29/2023)
- Visual Design (Noncurrent as of 11/21/2022)
- Visual Design using Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 (Noncurrent as of 11/21/2022)
- Information Technology Specialist in Device Configuration and Management
- Information Technology Specialist in JavaScript
- Unity Certified User: Programmer
- Unity Certified User: VR Developer
- IC3 GS5 Spark