Simple cutscenes tool for krunkscript | Easy to set up cutscenes
This version includes the following functions:
Action | Description |
cts_newCutscene() | Creates a blank loaded cutscene |
cts_playEvents(skippable) | Starts the cutscene |
cts_endEvents() | Ends the cutscene. Is called automatically after all events |
Action | Description |
cts_camera_glideTo(relative, posX, posY, posZ, rotX, rotY, rotZ, duration) | Glides the camera to the specified location and rotation. Can be relative to player. |
cts_camera_shake(intensity, duration) | Shakes the camera for the given values |
cts_sound_play(assetID, volume, rate) | Plays a custom sound at the given volume and rate |
cts_time_wait(duration) | Waits the desired time given in milliseconds |
cts_show_arms() | Shows player model's arms. Called automatically after cutscene ends |
cts_hide_arms() | Hides player model's arms |
cts_player_bringToCamera() | Brings the player to the camera's location |
cts_fade_in(duration) | Fades the camera back in over the duration given |
cts_fade_out(duration () | Fades the camera out over the duration given |
Action | Description |
cts_dialogue_createBox() | Creates the Dialogue Box (MUST BE RUN BEFORE STARTING A NEW BOX OR ADDING TEXT) |
cts_dialogue_add(dialogue, speaker, speed, autoClose) | Adds one page of text to the box. To hide speaker, leave it as a blank string |
cts_dialogue_waitForFinish() | Stalls the cutscene until there is no more text box on screen |
Feel free to create your own functions and submit them and I will add them.
For the most part, these should be written solely on the Client Side script.
If you have questions, join my Discord and ask me there