UniswapEasy is a React widget designed to simplify liquidity management on the Uniswap V4 protocol. This version has been updated to include more customization options and supports the Ethereum Sepolia chain for testing purposes.
- UniswapEasy
npm install @gamcaplabs/uniswapeasy
# or
yarn add @gamcaplabs/uniswapeasy
Before building, ensure you have all peer dependencies installed:
- react
- react-dom
- react-redux
- redux
- redux-persist
- styled-components
- ethers
To build the package from source:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/GamCap/uniswapeasy.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd uniswapeasy
- Install dependencies:
yarn install
- Run the prebuild script which includes ABI type generation:
yarn prebuild
- Build the package:
yarn build
- Generate a gzip archive of the package for local development:
yarn pack
Import UniswapEasy
from the package and use it in your React application with the following props for extensive customization:
import {UniswapEasy, defaultTheme} from '@gamcaplabs/uniswapeasy';
Customize the theme using the following interface, which allows for detailed adjustments to colors, fonts, and layout specifics:
import {type Theme, type Colors, defaultTheme, orangeDark } // other preset themes are orangeLight, tealDark,and tealLight.
// Example custom colors:
const myColors : Colors = {
text: {
primary: "#d9d9d9"
const myTheme : Theme = {
// You can also add other custom attributes like font family
The PoolInfo
object is essential for configuring liquidity pools. Each PoolInfo
specifies the blockchain network with chainId
and contains a poolKey
detailing specific pool parameters.
type PoolKey = {
currency0: Currency; // First currency in the liquidity pool
currency1: Currency; // Second currency in the liquidity pool
fee: BigNumberish; // Fee associated with the pool
tickSpacing: BigNumberish; // The minimum price movement between ticks
hooks: string; // Address of any additional hooks used with the pool
export type PoolInfo = {
chainId: number; // Blockchain network ID
poolKey: PoolKey; // Specific pool parameters
// Example of PoolInfo
const poolInfos: PoolInfo[] = [{
chainId: 1, // Ethereum mainnet
poolKey: {
currency0: new Token(1, '0x...', 18, 'ETH'),
currency1: new Token(1, '0x...', 6, 'USDC'),
fee: 3000,
tickSpacing: 60,
hooks: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
defines hooks available within the liquidity pool, providing metadata and the required inputs.
export type HookInfo = {
address: string; // Smart contract address of the hook
name: string; // Display name of the hook
abbr: string; // Abbreviation of the hook name
desc: string; // Description of the hook's functionality
inputFields: InputField[]; // Array of input fields for the hook
overrideInputFields?: boolean; // Flag to override default input fields
interface InputRestrictions {
min?: string; // Minimum value for the input
max?: string; // Maximum value for the input
pattern?: string; // Regular expression for validating the input
required?: boolean; // Whether the input is required
interface BaseProps {
name: string;
description?: string;
interface BaseInputField extends BaseProps {
type: string; // Data type of the input field
defaultValue?: string; // Default value for the input field
restrictions?: InputRestrictions; // Restrictions for the input field
interface Tuple extends BaseProps {
fields: InputField[]; // Fields in case the input is a tuple
type InputField = BaseInputField | Tuple;
// Example of HookInfo
const hookInfos: HookInfo[] = [{
address: '0x...',
name: 'Example Hook',
abbr: 'ExHook',
desc: 'This hook does XYZ',
inputFields: [{
name: 'Sender',
type: 'address',
restrictions: { required: true }
}, {
name: 'Value',
type: 'uint256',
restrictions: { min: '1', max: '1000', required: true }
Maps currency symbols to image URLs or base64 encoded images for enhancing user interface.
const currencyIconMap: Record<string, string> = {
'ETH': 'data:image/png;base64,...', // Base64 encoded image of Ethereum
'USDC': 'https://example.com/usdc.png' // URL to an image of USDC
For scenarios where the widget's dynamic input field generation does not meet specific requirements, or if you need to handle complex data types that the widget cannot automatically encode, you can utilize the overrideInputFields
and hookData
When a hook requires complex data handling, set overrideInputFields
to true
to disable the widget's automatic input field generation. This allows you to implement a custom interface to collect and encode data according to the hook's needs.
// Example showing how to set overrideInputFields
const hookInfos: HookInfo[] = [{
address: '0x...',
name: 'Complex Data Hook',
abbr: 'CDH',
desc: 'A hook requiring complex data input',
inputFields: [], // Normally filled, now empty due to override
overrideInputFields: true
Use the onPoolSelect
callback to detect when a user selects a pool. This callback provides the selected poolKey
, enabling you to display the appropriate custom interface for data input.
// Example of using onPoolSelect to handle complex cases
onPoolSelect={(poolKey) => {
console.log('Selected pool:', poolKey);
// Logic to display custom interface for hook data input goes here}
hookData={hookData} // Encoded data provided by the user's custom interface
Currently, the UniswapEasy widget is only supported on the Ethereum Sepolia test network. The addresses for pool management and liquidity modification contracts are:
- PoolManager Contract:
- PoolModifyLiquidity Contract:
Below are links to the smart contracts on the Ethereum Sepolia testnet and other resources used by this widget:
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE
file for details.