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As a data format gains popularity, the number of parsers and parser-like tools developed to process it increases significantly. Even in the presence of a format specification, these tools often interpret it in subtly different ways. Moreover the data format and its specification also tend to evolve over time to accommodate new use cases and user demands. Together, this can cause significant divergence in the output of parsers leading to parser differentials, a situation where two parsers exhibit semantically different behavior for the same input, which is a well-known and practically exploited vulnerability.

Identifying parser differentials and exploits is often a time-consuming task involving multiple iterations of hypothesizing, developing special-purpose tools, running against a file corpora and analysing the results. Reducing the manual aspects of this cycle can serve to significantly accelerate this loop and enable investigations on much larger file corpora and with more parsers and tools than manually possible. Further, such scaling also enables the discovery of statistical correlations between the outputs of the tools which can help to surface the root causes of many differentials and exploits.

The Format Analysis Workbench (FAW) provides a workbench for file-format analysis that enables users to easily create and integrate new as well as existing tools and parsers for formats and compare and contrast their behavior against large file corpora scaling up to millions of files. The FAW has been designed as a flexible tool to examine and understand data formats and allow different types of users to work with these formats from different perspectives. For example:

  • Specification writers: the FAW makes it easy to compare various parsers that implement the format specification as well as examine the kind of documents that are available in the wild and how they relate to the specification.
  • Parser Developers: in addition to the parser comparisons mentioned above, the FAW also makes it easy to make changes to a parser and test parser behavior against large corpora.
  • Vulnerability Researchers: the FAW allows easy incorporation of new analyses to dig into the programs and specifications under test.


Main overview of decisions Main overview

Architecture of the FAW

Exploring data formats via input corpora at scale requires an infrastructure to run parsers and associated tools against input files in the corpus and capture their behavior. The FAW is divided in to a backend that handles the details of running parsers against the input corpus, and a frontend that enables users to investigate the behavior of parsers and tools against files in the corpus, at different scales and granularities.

Parsers and parser-like tools are provided as binary executables and can be written in any language, and using any technology. Further FAW supports processing the file corpus either on a single machine or in parallel on a cluster of machines. The latter, termed a "teaming" setup, can be performed on a private network without requiring internet access.

The FAW allows the user to specify analysis sets to control the scale and speed of analyses. It also provides multiple tools are provided to explore the interactions between inputs and parsing programs in the analysis set.

FAW Architecture

Quick Start

Running the FAW requires an installation of Python (>= 3.8) and Docker. In order to start an instance:

  • Clone the repository
  • Install the prerequisites with pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Launch the startup script with two paths: the path to a distribution folder and one to the file corpus being studied.

A FAW distribution is a specific configuration of the FAW and is usually associated with a specific file format. The FAW repository includes a small set of distributions and corresponding file corpora, for example PDF. The PDF distribution can be launched from the root folder with the following command: pdf test_files/pdf.

The workbench script builds a docker image for the distribution on the fly and launches an instance of the FAW. The FAW user interface is accessible via a webbrowser at http://localhost:8123 (by default).

By default, FAW is launched in developer mode.

In addition to directly running the distribution, the workbench script is capable of building and saving a unified docker image for a FAW distribution, which can can simplify deployment. Additionally, the FAW supports deployment in a multi-server "teaming mode" using pyinfra, which is useful when working with large corpora. The repository includes the script for creating the pyinfra inventory/deploy files; pyinfra tooling can then be used to install prerequisites on target machines and set up FAW images and services. In this mode, target machines process files independently, but share a single database. The FAW UI is made available via a webserver on the database's machine.

Mac OS X with ARM architecture

See these notes.

FAW Concepts


A distribution is a specific configuration of the FAW. Each distribution is a folder containing a top-level config.json5 file and potentially, a collection of plugins. For details regarding distributions and creating one for a new file format, take a look at this guide.


A corpus is essentially a directory containing files of interest. Arranging files in a hierarchy via subfolders is supported and encouraged, particularly for large corpora.

As mentioned in earlier sections, an instance of the FAW is associated with a single distribution and corpus. At runtime, the FAW runs all configured parsers and tools against all files in the corpus. Further, updates to the corpus, including additions and modifications, will cause the FAW to rerun the parsers/tools on the changed files.

This repository contains a few corpora to both serve as examples and to help users get started with the FAW quickly. However, creating a new corpus is as simple as creating a new directory, adding relevant files to it (potentially arranging them in a hierarchy) and starting the FAW instance with a path to this directory.

While accruing representative files for any given format is not strictly within the purview of the FAW, it is worth noting that significant efforts have been expended to collect and create digital corpora for many extant formats. For example, the CommonCrawl 8M corpus (CC-MAIN-2021-31-PDF-UNTRUNCATED), collated as part of the DARPA SafeDocs program, includes around 8 Million PDF files collected from all over the publically accessible internet, while others like GovDocs contain a mix of file formats (in this case collected from .gov domains). These corpora can serve as the basis of any investigations into extant formats.

For large, multi-terabyte corpora, keep in mind that a correspondingly large hardware investment will be needed to re-run new or updated tools against the corpus. This is necessary to support both continuously improving these tools and developing ad hoc tools that provide users with file format views unique to their concerns. As a result, for exploratory applications where hardware is limited, we encourage users who want to work with large corpora to subsample the larger corpus to a size appropriate for the hardware available to them.

Binary Features

FAW adopts the notion that binary features can effectively capture information about parser-input interactions. Binary features can capture and represent a wide variety of information: is the input document a PDF? Was parsing successful? Were error messages regarding a specific field printed on the standard error? etc. Analying the relationships between these features can provide deep insight in to the behavior of parsers/tools with respect to the corpus and format at scale.

Parsers within the FAW can be configured to automatically extract features from the output of the underlying tool (see, for example, the configuration in this tutorial section or the more comprehensive ones that are part of the PDF distribution). These features can be further filtered and aggregated via the Decision DSL to enable automatic decisions of validity.

Analysis Sets

As discussed in the Corpus section, the FAW executes all parsers and tools on the entire corpus. However, it might not always be useful or practical to work with the complete results; instead, it may be convenient to focus on a subset thereof. The FAW introduces the concept of analysis sets to address this requirement, enabling users to group files and parsers into subsets for visualization and analysis workflows. This feature is intended to enhance the user's ability to efficiently explore and analyze data at different granularities within the FAW.

Analysis sets group together a subset of files in the corpus and a subset of parsers/tools. The FAW facilitates the creation, modification, and deletion of analysis sets, and allows seamless switching between them at runtime. Upon selecting an analysis set, the FAW gui visualizes the results of the interactions between the set of files and parsers included in the set. This includes both the raw feature listings and automatic (validity-related) decisions computed via the decision DSL.

Capabilities of the FAW

The FAW offers a number of features/capabilities to the user out of the box that we describe in the following sections.

Filtering and Discrepancy Analysis

FAW distributions typically include file parsers for parsing files and extracting features. While manual validation of features is possible, it is more convenient to have automatic decisions based on user-defined criteria. The FAW offers a simple, custom domain-specific language (DSL) for expressing decision criteria based on filters and outputs. Filters are groups of expressions and are matched against parser generated features while outputs, expressed in terms of compound boolean expressions over filters, represent aggregations of filter criteria.

Below we include a snippet of the decision DSL extracted from the PDF distributinon, which creates two filters based on features produced by the mutool clean command. MuCleanAccept filters files that have a zero exit code from mutool, while MuCleanError filters files that either have a non-zero exit code or include a feature matching the regex: .*[Ee]rror(?!: .*marker). Additionally, the snippet defines an output: files satisfying MuCleanAccept and not satisfying MuCleanError are labeled valid, otherwise, they are labeled rejected.

    ^mutool-clean_.*<<workbench: Exit code0>>
    ^mutool-clean_.*<<workbench: Exit code(?!0)
    ^mutool-clean_.*[Ee]rror(?!: .*marker)
    "valid" is MuCleanAccept & !MuCleanError
    "rejected" else

The configuration for the various distributions includes other, more complex, examples of the decision DSL.

The decision DSL adjustments impact the FAW UI, with filter and output clauses represented as radio buttons in the UI. Selecting these buttons filters the file list to display only the files that meet the criteria specified in the DSL.

The FAW also enables users to upload structured JSON files containing reference decisions for files in a corpus. These "gold standard" decisions are automatically compared to the decisions made by the current DSL, highlighting any discrepancies for users to investigate and identify files that do not match expectations.


The FAW is designed to accommodate diverse input formats, parsers, and visualization tools. It employs a plugin architecture with extension points and an API, enabling users to create custom plugins tailored to their specific corpus and workflow. Plugins can be developed for parsing new file formats and visualizing data from the corpus. The FAW supports various plugin types, which are further described in subsequent sections.

Parser Plugins

The FAW supports parser plugins that validate file formats and extract format-specific features. These plugins execute external commands to parse files, capturing the exit code and standard output/error. The FAW allows mapping of these outputs to human-understandable features using regular expressions, with options for replacement and capture. The extracted features are stored in the database and can contribute to the valid/invalid decisions via the decision DSL mentioned in the previous section.

The PDF distribution contains many examples of parser plugins, many of which are wrappers around extant parsing tools.

File-Detail Plugins

File detail view plugins in the FAW visualize file contents by rendering them as HTML or other browser-displayable formats. Similar to parser plugins, they execute an external command that transforms the file content and streams it to the standard output. The FAW captures and renders this content in the browser based on the provided MIME type. An example of a file detail view plugin is PolyFile, which creates interactive HTML reports for various file formats, enabling users to view and search data structures within the file.

Corpus-Level Plugins

Decision plugins in the FAW operate on the entire corpus, aggregating and visualizing information about dialects or common patterns. Like other plugins, they execute external commands, but can access the complete corpus and features captured during parser invocations.

Results from the command are expected to be streamed in JSON line format, and the FAW can be optionally configured to capture and render custom HTML files generated by the plugin. This flexibility allows decision plugins to introduce new UI elements and actions within the FAW. FAW's root cause analysis are implemented as decision plugins.

Pipeline Plugins

The FAW supports complex plugins with multiple stages and the capability to generate new data-driven parsers based on corpus inputs.

If you would like to create new pipeline plugins, take a look at the tutorial here.

Transforming Inputs and Universal Output Parsers

The FAW allows for input transformers that dynamically modify inputs before processing them. These transformers take a file from the corpus as input run external commands that produce transformed content on the standard output. Transformed inputs are treated as transient and not permanently stored. The SDF distribution, for example, use input transformers to generate a large corpus of SDF files from very simple seed input.

The FAW also supports universal parser parsers, which operate on the output of all configured parsers, generating additional features. These parsers run external commands that accept specially formatted streams and emit JSON dictionaries of new features. Universal parser parsers are intended to unify format-specific considerations across all parsers.

Root Cause Analysis

The FAW contains plugins that build on the perspective that groups of files could be viewed topologically [Ambrose 2020, Robinson 2021]. Specifically, these plugins extrapolate this theory to answer questions related to specific features: what caused a given exit code or parser differential? In the extreme, a best-case solution to this would be a grammar succinctly and perfectly matching only inputs that would trigger the condition. Grammar inference being a difficult problem, the next best approach seemed to be finding other features that robustly implied -- or at least greatly contributed to the likelihood of -- a desired condition.

To achieve this, we turned to the absolute risk reduction metric [Rothman 2012]. For our use case, we adapt it as $ARR(A, B) = P(A|B) - P(A|\neg B)$, where $A$ and $B$ are two features of interest. Conveniently, this metric becomes zero when the two features are independent, $1$ when they are identical, and $-1$ when they are inverted ($A = \neg B$). To filter out noise, we additionally do not consider features with $min(P(A), 1 - P(A)) &lt; \epsilon$. As the metric is asymmetric, a trick we use is to take $ARR(A, B)$ iff $|ARR(A, B)| &gt; |ARR(B, A)|$, and $ARR(B, A)$ otherwise. The result is that IMPLIES relationships have large values, regardless of the direction of implication.

For diagnostics, this simple metric is shockingly powerful -- if, e.g., exit code $Z$ only occurs on files which produce error message $Y$, then exploring either of those features will reveal the other with a large associated risk metric.

This functionality is exposed through the 'Clustering' decision plugin in the FAW, here pictured showing risk factors for a 'file is damaged' warning on a corpus of 10,000 PDF files.

Rendering differentials

The FAW includes a rendering differential detection algorithm designed for file formats that generate on-screen images like PDFs. Unlike existing algorithms that often report false positives, this algorithm reduces such errors and accurately identifies true differentials, enabling the identification of root causes for the differences.

PolyFile / PolyTracker Integration

Two essential tools included in most FAW distributions are PolyFile and PolyTracker from Trail of Bits. PolyFile serves as a unified file format tool with parsers for over 263 MIME file types. It detects polyglots (valid instances of multiple formats) and provides a file detail view for inspecting parsed structures or byte regions. PolyTracker is an instrumentation toolkit that enhances existing parsers with taint-tracking functionality, including control flow tracking algorithms for grammar inference and the identification of "blind spots" that do not affect a parser's interpretation of bytes in a file, even when mutated.

Grammar Inference / Pipeline Plugins

Parsers like those learned through machine learning require additional support to handle the training process. The FAW includes a pipelining plugin system, which allows long running actions to be divided in to a acyclic graph of resumable tasks. Tasks are processed according to the graph with restarting of crashed tasks. Once tasks are completed, parsers can be defined for analysis sets, file detail views, and decision plugins. RL-GRIT has been integrated in to FAW using pipeline plugins.

Developer-friendly Features

The FAW offers a developer mode to support rapid development of parsers and plugins.

Live Reloading

In developer mode, the FAW provides live-reloading for plugins and file inputs based on user changes. When a parser is modified and its version field is updated, the FAW efficiently recalculates the necessary updates to the database. This enables users to quickly iterate and explore the impact of code changes across the entire corpus.

CI Features

In developer mode, the FAW also supports use as a continuous integration (CI) tool. The CI interface allows for adding, updating, and reconfiguring parsers, executing them against the corpus, and reporting results without direct human involvement. The interface can be accessed via a web API or command line tool, making it suitable for various CI scenarios such as regression tracking. When a parser configuration is updated, a separate docker container initiates a rebuild of the parsers, and the new binaries are copied to the FAW instance for reparsing files. The CI interface offers an endpoint to process parse results based on a specific decision DSL and retrieve aggregated results.

The FAW repository contains a helper script faw/scripts/ that provides two subcommands update-config and get-decisions to interact with the CI features.


  1. Should the web interface fail to start, try deleting the common/pdf-observatory/ui/node_modules directory and trying again. This can happen due to mismatches between node versions in docker containers.

  2. When not in --production mode, attaching to the docker container gives access to a variety of useful information. In particular, s6-logwatch /var/log/observatory will show the logs for the FAW instance; /var/log in general contains a number of logs on the various processes which comprise the FAW. Futhermore, if the server itself ever needs to be rebooted, there is a executable in the PATH which can help do this correctly.

  3. The FAW docker image contains a binary which can be used to view all logs, restart the FAW process, or inspect the database in a REPL. For these functions, run e.g. docker exec -it <CONTAINER> When the FAW is run interactively, it automatically starts the faw-cli.

  4. When using FAW with a large set of files/directories, it is possible for NodeJS to hit the limit on the maximum number of file watchers allowed. This is usually indicated by a ENOSPC error in the logs. This issue must be addressed on the host machine (and not the container). The current limit on the host machine can be checked via: cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches. To increase this limit do something like: echo 'fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf. See here for more details.

  5. Additional documentation is in the docs directory.


This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. HR0011-19-C-0073. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).


Galois Format Analysis Workbench







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