Sup fellows 😁, this repo will contain a collection of example applications, each one using a different native browser API. These examples will not be like a deep dive into these APIs, just some usage examples.
Hope this repo is useful for you, but basically it is for "going back to the basics", because personally I am currently really used to frameworks & libraries, but the JavaScript Ecosystem has grown a lot. So it is a really nice exercise to do.
Here I'll list all the Web APIs that I found interesting to study a lil bit more & some to learn from scratch:
Status | Web API | MDN Reference |
🚧 | Fetch API | MDN - Fetch API |
⬜ | Console API | MDN - Console API |
⬜ | File API | MDN - File API |
⬜ | File System API | |
⬜ | File and Directory Entries API | |
⬜ | Intersection Observer API | |
⬜ | Resize Observer API | |
⬜ | Popover API | |
⬜ | Canvas API | |
⬜ | Picture-in-Picture API | |
⬜ | Web Audio API | |
⬜ | MediaStream Recording API | |
⬜ | Media Capture and Streams API | |
⬜ | Web RTC API | |
⬜ | Geolocation API | |
⬜ | Web Storage API | |
⬜ | Clipboard API | |
⬜ | Service Worker API | |
⬜ | Web Workers API | |
⬜ | IndexedDB API | |
⬜ | Cookie Store API | |
⬜ | Fullscreen API | |
⬜ | HTML Drag and Drop API | |
⬜ | History API | |
⬜ | Network Information API | |
⬜ | Page Visibility API | |
⬜ | Permissions API | |
⬜ | Pointer Events | |
⬜ | Touch Events | |
⬜ | UI Events | |
⬜ | SVG API | |
⬜ | Screen Wake Lock API | |
⬜ | Selection API | |
⬜ | Streams API | |
⬜ | URL API | |
⬜ | View Transitions API | |
⬜ | Web Components | |
⬜ | Web Crypto API | |
⬜ | Web Notifications API | |
⬜ | Web Speech API | |
⬜ | WebSockets API |