Added link to historical overview of BM/GMM bodies.
Added link to public BM/GMM body profile from the advanced overview.
Added search for photo albums.
Added 🎈🎈🎈.
Improved icon for sharing links of photos.
Improved card and grid system for BM/GMM bodies, companies, and jobs.
Improved activity overview with more information about the activity and time till activity/for how long the activity still lasts.
Improved layout of photo albums.
Improved rendering of album covers by using Glide.
Fixed an issue where there was no backlinking for GMM bodies in breadcrumbs.
Fixed an issue where abrogated bodies would still show (potential) upcoming activities on their public profile.
Fixed an issue where the translation for abrogation date was incorrect in the overview of abrogated bodies.
Fixed an issue where the name of a BM/GMM body could lead to XSS.
Fixed an issue where the two panels on the education page used incorrect styling.
Fixed an issue where the year selector for activities and photos would not show selection.
Fixed an issue where the comparisons for discharges and abrogations could be wrong.
Fixed an issue where the public profile of a BM/GMM body was not formatted with Markdown.
Fixed an issue where the activity/album year selectors were incorrectly styled.
Updated dependencies.
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