- Download and install NodeJS.
- Download and install Ruby.
- Open command line and type
gem install sass
. - Clone or Download project straight from GitHub.
- Extract the zip file and start working.
- 2.0.0, 6/24/2015 - Added uncss, autoprefix, minify and auto-update to HTML files.
- 1.0.0, 6/8/2015 - Initial release.
- cd into the directory.
- Run
npm install
. - Run
bower install
to install Zurb Foundation. - Run
compass watch
to compile the SASS files. - Run
compass watch --output-style=compressed
to compile to minified CSS (or edit config.rb).
When finished development
- Run
grunt clean
to uncss, autoprefix, minify and auto-update your HTML files.
- Run
bower update
to update Zurb Foundation. - Run
bower install package --save
to add things to your development stack.
- At Gruntfile.js on lines 22 and 52 you can insert your project files in order to automatically get updated with the minified CSS file.
- At config.rb you can edit the SASS configuration.
- On new HTML files add these lines of code in order to auto-update with gulp command.
<!-- build:css stylesheets/app.min.css --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/app.css"> <!-- /build -->
- /resoures - contains the SCSS files.
- /website - contains the website files (images, fonts, js, css, html).
- Learn about SASS.
- Tutorial about SASS.
- Learn about Zurb Foundation.
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