NOTE: this repo is deprecated and has been superceded. the new platform is being built here
We're building a platform that helps researchers use collective action to establish positive cultural norms in academia, so that individuals can adopt open and reproducible research practices without risking their careers in the process.
Project FOK is divided into two separate repositories:
- (1) this 'platform' repository, which is for developing the code behind the website
- (2) a 'community' repository, which is for storing documents (e.g., marketing materials) and organising discussions about the project (including the design of new campaigns, using the Issues feature). Note that the project roadmap is housed over there.
- Help us by doing the following:
- Watch/star this repository (and if interested, the platform repository)
- Join our mailing list
- Log in to the website and pledge to any campaigns that you support
- Follow/retweet us on Twitter and Facebook
- Join our Google Group
- Share our GofundMe campaign (and donate if you can afford to :))
- If you're a developer, take a look at the Issues in this repository to see what needs work. The roadmap in the community repo should hopefully clarify what takes priority.
- If you're not a developer, take a look at the readme in the community repository to see how you can help :)