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FredSaltre committed Apr 28, 2024
1 parent 10d85ae commit a389d8f
Showing 1 changed file with 77 additions and 27 deletions.
104 changes: 77 additions & 27 deletions Environmental_Variables/Environmental_variables.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,19 +13,27 @@
%Distance Calculation: For each non-missing data point, it calculates the distance to the nearest coast using geographic coordinates. It uses a function to compute the distance between points on the Earth's surface and selects the minimum distance for each point.
%Result Storage: The calculated distances are stored in a matrix that matches the original grid's dimensions and then saved to a text file.

clear all, close all, clc,
TF=isnan(mat);[row,col]=find(TF==0);nr=length(row);out=[row,col,nan(nr,3)];for i=1:nr;out(i,3:4)=[yg(row(i)),xg2(col(i))];end;
[row2,col2]=find(TF==1);nr2=length(row2);coastal=[row2,col2,nan(nr2,2)];for i=1:nr2;coastal(i,3:4)=[yg(row2(i)),xg2(col2(i))];end;
clear all, close all, clc, %% Clear workspace, close all figures, and clear command window
%% Load geographic raster data and prepare for processing
mat=load('maskedHumantimingraster_v2.txt');% Load raster data for human timing
[r,c]=size(mat);tr=160;% Get the dimensions of the matrix + Threshold value (possibly for longitude adjustment)
xg=-179.5:1:179.5;yg=-89.5:89.5;xg2=[xg(:,tr:end),xg(:,1:tr-1)];yg=flipud(yg');% Define longitude and latitude range + Adjust longitudes by threshold + Flip latitude array to match geographic conventions
%% Prepare matrix for non-missing and coastal data
TF=isnan(mat);[row,col]=find(TF==0);nr=length(row);out=[row,col,nan(nr,3)];for i=1:nr;out(i,3:4)=[yg(row(i)),xg2(col(i))];end;% Identify NaNs in the matrix + Find indices of non-NaN entries + Number of non-NaN entries + Initialize output matrix with NaNs for additional data + Populate latitudes and longitudes
%% Prepare coastal data matrix
[row2,col2]=find(TF==1);nr2=length(row2);coastal=[row2,col2,nan(nr2,2)];for i=1:nr2;coastal(i,3:4)=[yg(row2(i)),xg2(col2(i))];end; %similar process as coastal data
%% Calculate distance from each grid cell to the nearest coast
h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
for i=1:nr;waitbar(i/nr)
[vc,~]=distance(out(i,3),out(i,4),coastal(:,3),coastal(:,4));% Calculate distances to coast
id=find(vc==min(vc));out(i,5)=deg2km(vc(id(1)));% Find the closest coast + Convert closest distance to kilometers
clear vc id;
res=nan(r,c);for i=1:nr;res(out(i,1),out(i,2))=out(i,5);end;
%% Save the distance data to a raster matrix and output to a text file
res=nan(r,c);for i=1:nr;res(out(i,1),out(i,2))=out(i,5);end;% Initialize the result matrix with NaNs + Populate the result matrix with calculated distances
save -ascii NewDistance2coast.txt res;

%% Visualization setup
coast = load('coast');seaclr=brewermap(15,'RdBu');seaclr1=seaclr(9,:);clr3=brewermap(13,'YlOrBr');%Cice=brewermap(13,'Greys');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,29 +113,71 @@
%Ruggedness Calculation: For each grid cell, it calculates the ruggedness based on elevation differences with its immediate neighbors. This involves computing the square of the difference in elevation between a cell and each of its eight neighbors, summing these squares, and then taking the square root of the total.
%Final Adjustments and Saving: Excludes areas covered by ice sheets or water bodies from the ruggedness calculation and saves the ruggedness data to a text file.

% This script calculates a ruggedness index based on elevation differences
% between each grid cell and its neighbors.

% Clear workspace, close all figures, and clear command window
clear all, close all, clc,
mat.time=load('maskedHumantimingraster_v2.txt');tr=160;xg=-179.5:1:179.5;yg=-89.5:89.5;xg2=[xg(:,tr:end),xg(:,1:tr-1)];yg=flipud(yg');%fichier humain timing
mat.alt=mat.alt';mat.lon=[0.5:179.5,-179.5:1:-0.5];%fichier altitude -> a mettre sur la meme grille
id=find(mat.lon==xg2(1));mat.alt2=[mat.alt(:,id:end),mat.alt(:,1:id-1)];%on matche les deux grgille aux meme longitudes
nr=180;nc=360;cpt=0;mat.rug=nan(nr,nc);h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
for i=2:nr-1;
for j=2:nc-1;ngh=nan(9,1);cpt=cpt+1;waitbar(cpt/(nr*nc))
mat.rug(i,j)=sqrt(sum(ngh));clear ngh;
TF=isnan(mat.time);[row,col]=find(TF==1);for i=1:length(row);mat.rug(row(i),col(i))=NaN;end;

% Load elevation data from a NetCDF file
mat.alt = ncread('', 'data'); % Elevation data = ncread('', 'lat'); % Latitude data
mat.lon = ncread('', 'lon'); % Longitude data

% Load timing data which may be used to mask certain areas
mat.time = load('maskedHumantimingraster_v2.txt');

% Define the grid adjustment threshold and grid definitions
tr = 160; % Threshold for adjusting grid alignment
xg = -179.5:1:179.5; % Longitude grid definition from -179.5 to 179.5
yg = -89.5:89.5; % Latitude grid definition from -89.5 to 89.5
xg2 = [xg(:, tr:end), xg(:, 1:tr-1)]; % Adjusted longitude grid
yg = flipud(yg'); % Flip latitude grid to match geographic orientation

% Transpose and adjust longitude data to match grid orientation
mat.alt = mat.alt';
mat.lon = [0.5:179.5, -179.5:1:-0.5]; % Adjust longitude data
id = find(mat.lon == xg2(1));
mat.alt2 = [mat.alt(:, id:end), mat.alt(:, 1:id-1)]; % Adjust altitude data grid

% Initialize ruggedness matrix and variables for processing
nr = 180; % Number of latitude rows
nc = 360; % Number of longitude columns
cpt = 0; % Counter for progress tracking
mat.rug = nan(nr, nc); % Initialize ruggedness matrix with NaNs
h = waitbar(0, 'Please wait...'); % Initialize wait bar for user feedback

% Calculate ruggedness for each grid cell
for i = 2:nr-1
for j = 2:nc-1
ngh = nan(9,1); % Initialize neighbor differences matrix
cpt = cpt + 1; % Increment progress counter
waitbar(cpt / (nr * nc), h); % Update wait bar

% Calculate squared differences of elevation with eight neighbors
ngh(1,1) = (mat.alt2(i-1, j-1) - mat.alt2(i, j))^2;
ngh(2,1) = (mat.alt2(i-1, j) - mat.alt2(i, j))^2;
ngh(3,1) = (mat.alt2(i-1, j+1) - mat.alt2(i, j))^2;
ngh(4,1) = (mat.alt2(i, j-1) - mat.alt2(i, j))^2;
ngh(5,1) = (mat.alt2(i, j) - mat.alt2(i, j))^2; % Self difference (always 0)
ngh(6,1) = (mat.alt2(i, j+1) - mat.alt2(i, j))^2;
ngh(7,1) = (mat.alt2(i+1, j-1) - mat.alt2(i, j))^2;
ngh(8,1) = (mat.alt2(i+1, j) - mat.alt2(i, j))^2;
ngh(9,1) = (mat.alt2(i+1, j+1) - mat.alt2(i, j))^2;

% Calculate and store the ruggedness index as the square root of the sum of squared differences
mat.rug(i, j) = sqrt(sum(ngh));
clear ngh;
close(h); % Close the wait bar

% Mask ruggedness data for areas with NaNs in timing data
TF = isnan(mat.time); % Identify NaNs in timing data
[row, col] = find(TF == 1); % Find indices of NaN entries
for i = 1:length(row)
mat.rug(row(i), col(i)) = NaN; % Set ruggedness to NaN where timing data is missing
out=mat.rug;save -ascii NewRuggedness.txt out;

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