A free, community-sourced, machine-readable knowledge base of digital forensic artifacts that the world can use both as an information source and within other tools.
If you'd like to use the artifacts in your own tools, all you need to be able to do is read YAML. That is it, no other dependencies. The Python code in this project is just used to validate all the artifacts to make sure they follow the specification.
Travis-CI | AppVeyor | Codecov |
The artifact definitions can be found in the data directory and the format is described in detail in the Style Guide.
As of 2019-06-10 the repository contains:
File paths covered | 1013 |
Registry keys covered | 635 |
Total artifacts | 525 |
Artifacts by type
21 | 9 | 14 | 283 | 8 | 50 | 114 | 26 |
Artifacts by OS
Darwin | Linux | Windows |
33 | 25 | 23 |
Artifacts by label
Antivirus | Authentication | Browser | Cloud | Cloud Storage | Configuration Files | Docker | External Media | ExternalAccount | Hadoop | History Files | Logs | Network | Software | System | Users | iOS | |
6 | 18 | 21 | 2 | 4 | 41 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 46 | 15 | 15 | 43 | 104 | 68 | 5 |
The ForensicArtifacts.com artifact repository was forked from the GRR project artifact collection into a stand-alone repository that is not tool-specific. The GRR developers have migrated to using this repository and make contributions here. In addition the ForensicArtifact team will begin backfilling artifacts in the new format from the ForensicArtifacts.com website.
For some background on the artifacts system and how we expect it to be used see this blackhat presentation and youtube video from the GRR team.
Please send us your contribution! See the developers guide for instructions.
- GRR Artifacts, by Greg Castle, Blackhat 2014
- [email protected]
- Artifacts channel of Open Source DFIR Slack