In our rapidly-changing online world, journalists have a lot more to worry about than their deadlines. Hackings, information leaks, and subpoenas, have been some of the hottest topics and biggest threats to news gathering over the past year.
In this course, you'll get an overview of cybersecurity and how it relates to journalism. You'll also learn a variety of techniques and tools to protect yourself and sources. The course material will be primarily geared toward journalists — technical background is not necessary. You should be comfortable with downloading and trying new computer programs, though.
The web: HTTP and SSL/HTTPS
Logins and passwords
- Hands-on tutorial: using a password cracking program
- Hands-on tutorial: wifi eavesdropping and traffic analysis
The human factor
Case study: Twitter account hackings
E-mail / instant messaging
Making it better with encryption and alternative programs
- Hands-on tutorial: PGP/GPG
- Hands-on tutorial: instant messaging with OTR encryption
Case study: ???
Online pseudonyms. "Anonymous."
Tor and the "Deep Web"
- Hands-on tutorial: Tor
Throwaway e-mail addresses, like burner phones.
More Tor: Hidden services
- Hands-on tutorial: Running a "hidden website" in Tor
Data on your computer
- Hands-on tutorials: disk encryption & deleting data securely
Case study: Wikileaks, Strongbox/DeadDrop