Releases: FluxML/GeometricFlux.jl
Releases · FluxML/GeometricFlux.jl
GeometricFlux v0.10.0
- update docs and add defining GNN layer to doc
- update GAE example
- fix neural GDE example
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0
What's Changed
- Create flux.css to style the docs by @logankilpatrick in #222
- Implement CGConv layer. by @emsal0 in #220
- Add AbstractGraphLayer for layers that accept graphs by @yuehhua in #205
- Append more info to the GNN construction docs by @emsal0 in #229
- Resolve gradient bug for GatedGraphConv by @yuehhua in #250
- Correct GCNConv with normalized_adjacency_matrix by @yuehhua in #234
- Update GCN model by @yuehhua in #251
New Contributors
- @logankilpatrick made their first contribution in #222
Full Changelog: v0.7.7...v0.8.2
GeometricFlux v0.8.0
- correct GCNConv with normalized_adjacency_matrix
- add L2 regularization to gcn example
- migrate Graphs, GraphSignals, GraphLaplacians and examples
- resolve gradient bug for GatedGraphConv
Closed issues:
- Implementation of neural operators (#172)
- move FeaturedGraph to COO format (#200)
- Stable docs 404 in README (#221)
- examples/gcn.jl doesn't work (#245)
- the GCNConv implementation is not correct (#249)
Merged pull requests:
- Add AbstractGraphLayer for layers that accept graphs (#205) (@yuehhua)
- Implement CGConv layer. (#220) (@emsal0)
- Create flux.css to style the docs (#222) (@logankilpatrick)
- Append more info to the GNN construction docs (#229) (@emsal0)
- Correct GCNConv with normalized_adjacency_matrix (#234) (@yuehhua)
- Resolve gradient bug for GatedGraphConv (#250) (@yuehhua)
- Update GCN model (#251) (@yuehhua)
GeometricFlux v0.7.7
- drop support of julia v1.4 and v1.5
- support CUDA v3.3
- support Flux v0.12
- fix stable doc
- add benchmark script
- migrate scatter to NNlib
- make gradient of GatedGraphConv available
- Implement GINConv layer. (#186)
- check consistency for vertex or edge number between graph and features
- add manual for pooling layers and bypass_graph
- deprecate FeatureSelector
- not export GraphNetwork and MessagePassing APIs
- new implementation for message-passing scheme
Closed issues:
- Increase test cases (#7)
- Method error when training GCNConv with FeaturedGraph input (#76)
- More "mutating arrays is not supported" (#103)
- missing adjoints for pooling functions with specified graph size (#147)
- drop ScatterNNlib in favor of NNlib.scatter (#191)
- drop support in layer for arbitrary graph types and use only FeaturedGraphs (#201)
- FeaturedGraph cannot be moved to gpu (#202)
- deprecate FeatureSelector (#207)
- broken documentation links (#210)
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "CUDA" to "3.0" (#175) (@github-actions[bot])
- Use mapreduce in message-passing (#179) (@yuehhua)
- Refactor pool function into scatter function (#180) (@yuehhua)
- Update doc (#181) (@yuehhua)
- Fix building doc (#182) (@yuehhua)
- Some cleanup (#183) (@yuehhua)
- Update docs (#184) (@yuehhua)
- Implement GINConv layer. (#186) (@emsal0)
- Replace ScatterNNlib with NNlib (#187) (@yuehhua)
- Refactor (#189) (@yuehhua)
- remove learnable parameters when bias=false (#196) (@CarloLucibello)
- misc cleanup and add buildkite (#198) (@CarloLucibello)
- homogenize forward pass for all layers (#203) (@CarloLucibello)
- misc improvements (#206) (@CarloLucibello)
- Improve documentation (#208) (@yuehhua)
- Fix doc (#211) (@yuehhua)
- add benchmark script (#214) (@CarloLucibello)
- Fix GINConv docstring. (#219) (@emsal0)
GeometricFlux v0.7.6
- Add dimensional check for each layer
- Support Flux up to v0.12
- Support CUDA up to v2.6
- Support Zygote up to v0.6
Closed issues:
- Consider to move into the Flux organisation (#2)
- could you please add a reference for the notions you used here (and also in other places) ? (#164)
- Tag Flux.jl v0.12 compat (#165)
- Conflict between Flux and ScatterNNLib inside GeometricFlux (#169)
Merged pull requests:
- Add dimensional check for each layer (#143) (@yuehhua)
- Support Zygote v0.6 (#145) (@yuehhua)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Reexport" to "1.0" (#146) (@github-actions[bot])
- Add google analytics (#151) (@yuehhua)
- Bump to CUDA v2.5 and FillArrays v0.11 (#152) (@yuehhua)
- Add JuliaCon paper (#155) (@yuehhua)
- Update figures (#156) (@yuehhua)
- Try to deploy stable doc (#157) (@yuehhua)
- Refine paper figures (#158) (@yuehhua)
- Correct reference (#160) (@yuehhua)
- Add paper.pdf (#161) (@yuehhua)
- Update (#162) (@CarloLucibello)
- Add ScatterNNlib namespace for gather and scatter methods (#170) (@ilancoulon)
- Fix bugs while updating to Julia v1.6 and Flux v0.12 (#171) (@yuehhua)
GeometricFlux v0.7.5
- FeaturedGraph API change
- Refactor graph net and message passing framework
- Improve differentiability test
- Refactor GCNConv and ChebConv operator
- Fix bug in GATConv layer
- Update GAT example
- Cast testing data to Float32
- Support CUDA up to v2.2
- Support transpose input of a layer
- Replace Travis CI by Github Action CI
Closed issues:
- Tag? (#99)
- Cannot give transposed features to GCNConv (#110)
- GCN example still doesn't work (#125)
- GATConv aggregates by default (#129)
- GATConv does not seem to have the desired behaviour (#130)
Merged pull requests:
- Improve differentiability test (#121) (@yuehhua)
- Refactor propagate into a generic version (#122) (@yuehhua)
- Refactor graph convolutional layers (#123) (@yuehhua)
- Fix GCN on CPU by converting into Matrix (#126) (@yuehhua)
- Fix GATConv computation of concat=false (#127) (@yuehhua)
- Making Conv layers accept transposed matrices (#128) (@ilancoulon)
- Fix softmaxing of alphas in GATConv (#131) (@ilancoulon)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "CUDA" to "2.2" (#132) (@github-actions[bot])
- Refactor dispatching in GATConv (#133) (@yuehhua)
- match matrix type to prevent CUDA.CUSPARSE error (#134) (@alperyilmaz)
- Remove deps StaticArrays (#137) (@yuehhua)
- Correct type of negative slope in leaky relu again (#141) (@yuehhua)
GeometricFlux v0.7.3
- Add bypass_graph
- Support FeaturedGraph as input graph for GCNConv
- Add node index for message/update function
- Add activation function for GraphConv
- Reexport GraphSignals
- Support FillArrays v0.10
- Bug fix
Merged pull requests:
- Add activation function for GraphConv (#109) (@yuehhua)
- onecold() should be performed at cpu (#112) (@alperyilmaz)
- cache argument triggers error (#114) (@alperyilmaz)
- fix typos in multiple files (#115) (@alperyilmaz)
- Some new features (#116) (@yuehhua)
GeometricFlux v0.7.2
- Differentiability test
- Refactor GN for differentiability
- Remove cache argument from layer
- Add docs
- Bump CUDA to v2.0
- Add paper
Closed issues:
- Cannot differentiate GATConv (#54)
Merged pull requests: