This plugin provides support for CakePHP.
- 2010/07/16
- 2012/09/08 Support for NetBeans7.3
- 2013/07/12 last update
- NetBeans 7.3+
- CakePHP 1.3.x
- CakePHP 2.x
- CakePHP 3.x (early support)
Currently, This plugin doesn't recognize CakePHP3.
- badge icon
(displayed on project folder)
- configuration files (add app/config files to important files)
- display file path in Toolbar (If you don't want to display, uncheck Display > Toolbar > View.)
- ignored files (hide app/tmp directory)
- cake commands support [*1]
- go to view, go to action
- smart go to [v0.9.0]
- clear cache action [*1]
- install plugins action (from zip file URL)[*1]
- template files (ctp, helper, component, behavior, shell, task)
- create new CakePHP projects from new project option
- code completion support [v0.6]
- format for CakePHP action [v0.6.8]
- go to element file from view file [v0.6.9]
- display and change debug level [v0.6.10]
- display CakePHP version number on status bar
- multiple app directories support [v0.6.14]
- check default action [v0.6.15]
- image and element code completion [v0.6.16]
- support for PHPUnit settings and create test case [v0.6.17]
- code generation [v0.8.1]
- run action action
- fix namespace action (only CakePHP3.x)
[*1] right-click in project node > CakePHP > (Run Command | Clear Cache | Install Plugins)
app/tmp is ignored with default. If you would like to avoid this, please, uncheck ignore tmp directory
- Tools > Options > PHP > CakePHP (on create a new project)
- project properties > Frameworks > CakePHP (existing project)
Your NetBeans Project needs to have the following trees.
CakePHP 1.3.x
CakePHP 2.x
│ └─Cake
NewProject (Ctrl + Shift + N) > PHP > PHP Application with Existing Source Please select your cakephp dir(e.g. /home/NetBeansProjects/myproject)
You can set app directory path from source directory.
Project properties > Framework > CakePHP > Custom directory path > app
If you use multiple app directories:
// CakePHP 1
// CakePHP 2
│ └─Cake
Use app directory as NetBeans project e.g. app1, app2, myapp, e.t.c.:
myproject(e.g. myapp)
├── nbproject
├── Config
├── Console
├── Controller
├── Lib
├── Locale
├── Model
├── Plugin
├── Test
├── Vendor
├── View
├── index.php
├── tmp
└── webroot
- Project properties > Framework > CakePHP
: "" (empty or ".")CakePHP Root
: "../"
Please notice that Code Completion is not available. You have to add the cakephp core path to include path.
After settings, please close your project and reopen it.
Delete each files of app/tmp/cache/* directorys.
Settings: Tool > Option > PHP > CakePHP
- Name : Set Plugin name. This name is Folder name.
- Url : Set github zipball url
Url is only zipball url.
Run Action: see [*1]
You need to connect the network.
- File > New Project (
Ctrl + Shift + N
) - PHP > PHP Application
- Set the project name
- Run Configuration
- PHP Framework > check CakePHP PHP Web Framework
Select Unzip
or Unzip local file
or git command
If you select Unzip
, also select CakePHP version.
If you want to unzip the local file, please set the option
(Tools > Options > PHP > CakePHP > New Project > Local file path
If you want to create a database.php file, please, check the Create database.php.
Also set the following automatically.
- change permission of app/tmp directory (777)
- change Security.salt and Security.cipherSeed values
create a database, you can immediately start development in a local environment.
Support for core components and helpers (default). Also support for classes in $uses, $components, $helpers.(also contain the alias)
// e.g.
public $uses('Comment', 'Member', 'User');
// $this->Comm [Ctrl + Space] => $this->Comment [Ctrl + Space]
public $components('Search.Prg', 'Foo');
// $this->P [Ctrl + Space] => $this->Prg-> [Ctrl + Space] => display methods and fields
public $helpers('Session', 'Html' => array('className' => 'MyHtml'));
// $this->Html-> [Ctrl + Space] => display MyHtmlHelper class methods and fields
image file completion
$this->Html->image('[Ctrl + Space]');
// popup file and directory names in the webroot/img
$this->Html->image('subdir/[Ctrl + Space]');
// popup file and directory names in the webroot/img/subdir
// ...
$this->Html->image('/mydir/[Ctrl + Space]');
// if you want to use files or directories in the webroot directory,
// please, start with "/"
$this->Html->image('Debug[Ctrl + Space]');
$this->Html->image('DebugKit.[Ctrl + Space]');
// support for Plugin images (CakePHP 2.x)
If target file exists, image will be displayed on document window.
You can run code completion also css and script methods ($this->Html->css(), script()
) like the same as image method.
$this->Html->css('[Ctrl + Space]');
// popup file and directory names in the webroot/css
$this->Html->script('subdir/[Ctrl + Space]');
// popup file and directory names in the webroot/js/subdir
$this->Html->css('/mydir/[Ctrl + Space]');
$this->Html->script('PluginName.[Ctrl + Space]');
element file completion
$this->element('[Ctrl + Space]');
// popup file names in the appdir/View/Elements/
$this->element('MyPlugin.[Ctrl + Space]');
// support for Plugin elements (CakePHP 2.x)
You can move from controller action to view file.
- Right-click at the controller action
- Navigate > Go to view
class MainController extends AppController{
// ... something
public function index() {
// Right-click or shortcut here
If you use shortcut, register with Keymap.
When the view file doesn't exist, create the empty view file automatically if set as follows.
Check Auto create a view file when go to view action is run
at Right-click on project node > property > Framework > CakePHP
If you use the theme, set $theme to controller field.
Similar to Go to view action.
- Right-click on the view file (in editor)
- Navigate > Go to action
You can go to specific files relate to a current file.
e.g. In case of current file is Controller, you can go to existing view, model, component, helper and test.
There are three ways.
- Shortcuts
- Editor Toolbar Menu
- Context Menu
Pattern : [Ctrl + Shift + G] [] (or [Ctrl + J] [])
- [Ctrl + Shift + G] [S] : Smart Go To
- [Ctrl + Shift + G] [M] : Go To Model
- [Ctrl + Shift + G] [V] : Go To View
- [Ctrl + Shift + G] [C] : Go To Controller
- [Ctrl + Shift + G] [B] : Go To Behavior
- [Ctrl + Shift + G] [H] : Go To Helper
- [Ctrl + Shift + G] [P] : Go To Component
- [Ctrl + Shift + G] [T] : Go To Test Case
- [Ctrl + Shift + G] [F] : Go To Fixture
Of course, if you don't like these shortcuts, you are able to change them in Options (KeyMap).
project properties > Frameworks > CakePHP Please uncheck the following if you would like to go to it soon (without popup) when candidate file is only one.
- Show the popup for one candidate item.
- Core helpers, components and behaviors are not contained in popup items.
- Go To View / Action Action is not changed yet.
- Automatic creation option is not available in this feature.
This action run the following.
- Reformat (format settings : Tool > Option > Editor > Format)
- Remove indents of Document Block
- Change line separator to LF(Unix)
Q. Why do you add this action?
A. I add in order to follow the CakePHP Coding Standars
You can go to the element file from view file.
Search the following element file directories:
- app(app/View/Elements, app/views/elememts)
- core(lib/cake/View/Elements, cake/views/elements)
Hold down Ctrl key and click on 'sample'.
If there is sample.ctp in the above directories, open the sample.ctp. Otherwise do nothing.
You can change debug level on popup list.
When you choose the CakePHP file node, you would find the cake icon and debug level number at the lower right of the window.
If you change debug level, click the icon. Then the popup is displayed. Please, select the debug level number.
Check default asset names. (e.g. css/cake.generic.css, img/cake.icon.png, ...)
Check whether favicon.ico is changed.
Support for only CakePHP2.x
Project-right-click > CakePHP > PHPUnit Test Init
Do settings for doing PHPUnit Test with NetBeans.
Create following files:
- nbproject/NetBeansSuite.php
- nbproject/phpunit.bat or
- app/webroot/bootstrap_phpunit.php
And set PHPUnit settings of Project properties:
- bootstrap
- custome script
If you run this action, you can test using fixture with NetBeans. (nojimage)
+ Insert
or Right-click on editor, select Insert Code
Dialog is displayed when you run Insert Code action.
Please select what you want to use. And code like followings are inserted.
$helpers = array('Html', ..., 'PluignName.SomeHelper');
$componens = array('Session', ..., 'MyComponent');
$uses = array('Post');
$actsAs = array('Tree', ..., 'PluignName.SomeBehavior');
You have to add settings for each classes by yourself if you need it.
This provides support for only Core validations.(e.g. notEmpty, isUnique, e.t.c)
At first, you have to write the following before you run this feature.
public $validate = array(
'fieldName' => array(
// please set caret to here
Please move caret to place which you want to insert, and run Insert Code action. Then, code like followings will be inserted:
// template
'validationName' => array(
'rule' => 'validationName',
'message' => 'validationNamemessage'
// template : has arguments(are not initialized)
'validationName' => array(
'rule' => array('validationName', validationName_arg1, validationName_arg2),
'message' => 'validationNamemessage'
Since message is focused, you can change it to your message.
Please push Enter
key after you change it. And you can move to next message.
If you want to move to previous message, please push Shift
+ Tab
Please see also junichi11#12
You can run the action for controller.
- move the current caret position to within brace of action method.
right-click > CakePHP > Run Action
orEditor Toolbar > Cake icon > Run Action
- open the browser
public function index() {
// move the caret here
Currently, this is available for the simple situation.
Please also see the following: junichi11#16
Add namespace to top of file if it doesn't exist.
// e.g.
namespace App\Controller;
- download NBM file or manually create NBM file
- manually install NBM file
- read this page [1] for the general overview but notice that current sources need to be used, then
- checkout NB sources via Mercurial (preferred, easy updates)[2] or download archive with latest NB sources from NB download site [3]
- Tools > NetBeans Platforms - add new platform "NetBeans IDE Dev" that points to the cloned/downloaded sources
- if not done yet, open this module in NetBeans
- Run
Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) v1.0 and GNU General Public License (GPL) v2