Zei is a library that provide tools to create and verify public transaction with confidential data.
- ElGamal Encryption in the exponent over generic groups.
- A Naive Multisignature (concatenation of ed25519 signatures)
- BLS multisignatures (not currently integrated with Xfr creation)
- Hybrid Encryption using signature key
- Anonymous Credentials based on David Pointcheval and Olivier Sanders. Short Randomizable Signatures. CT RSA 2015. https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/525.pdf. It currently uses BLS12_381 as the underlying pairing
- Confidential Anonymous Credential Reveal: Allows to encrypt credential attributes so that a verifier can check a credential signature without learning the attributes. This functionality allows for identity attributes tracking over a public ledger.
- Chaum Pedersen proofs: Allows to prove in zero-knowledge that a set of Pedersen commitments open to the same value. Used in transfers to prove that the input confidential asset is the same as the output asset type.
- Pedersen-ElGamal Equality Proofs: Allows to prove in zero-knowledge that the decryption of an Elgamal ciphertexts correctly opens a pedersen commitment. Use in transfers that allow tracking amounts and asset type without publicly revealing these values.
- Dlog: Simple proof of knowlege of discrete logarithms over generic groups.
- Plain: XfrNote reveal amount and asset type
- Confidential amount and/or asset type: XfrNote hides amount and/or asset type
- AssetType mixing: Allows for multiple asset types in a confidential transaction Implemented via the Cloak protocol. Currently using Interstellar spacesuite prototype
- Tracking policies: Allow tracking of amount, asset type, and/or identity of asset holders. That is, confidential Xfrs need to provide ciphertexts of amount/asset_type and/or identity and prove that this are correctly formed.
The primary license for Zei is the Business Source License 1.1 (BUSL-1.1
), see LICENSE