Yet another question and answer platform
.NET, C#, Azure, NoSQL
Demo at
Git clone this repository.
Run install dependencies with bower.
bower install
- Update your azure storage key account in Yaqaap/web.config. Ex :
<add key="storage" value="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=yaqaap;AccountKey=BOVi0PPafizyc/VWvSkjv6/iDrDceILciqHGMkZEZMTI148/PW45ZtApvdVQ+gLI1S5KDZdd7uw80NW5B6nkmQ==" />
Yaqaap use Kudu to deploy into Azure Website. It download all dependency directly. Just right-click on Yaqapp project from Visual Studio, and click Publish.