This is a scraper and API hoster for california's bill site, aka
The goal is to eventually be able to pull:
Bills by id and author
Voting history of a given legislator
Easily accessible API for other people to use
Details of implemention
Ruby 2.2, Rails 4
Mongo database
Rake tasks to glob new data into the server
Hosted on Heroku for API access, but you can just clone the repo if you want to grab the data yourself (or need a faster API)
There are two ways you can do this currently. One is to run all the tasks in order, scraping the legislature data for yourself. To do that run run
rake retrieve_data:start_new_database_for_2014
That will take a few minutes. If you're just eager to get the database running yourself, instead you can restore the mongo database from scratch. To do that, take the file at and then, after downloading it, unzip the file then do:
mongorestore dump
To get the list of bills for a year, run
rake retrieve_data:get_bill_headers
To get the voting session history for all the bills in your current database, run
rake retrieve_data:get_bill_headers
To get the current list of california assembly members, run
rake retrieve_data:get_california_assembly_members_current_year
To get the current list of california senators, run
rake retrieve_data:get_california_senators