Step1: Clone this repo and enter the directory
git clone
cd dotfiles
Step2: Install you can use the following command to install all the configuration files:
source zsh/install.zsh
Step3: Update configuration if needed If you have install the software, you can use the following command to update the configuration files:
Step1: Move vimrc to $HOME/.vimrc
mv vimrc $HOME/.vimrc
Step2: Install vim-plug
Start vim and run the following command in command mode:
Install and configure zsh, and set zsh as default shell.
Install and configure tmux.
Highly recommend to use vscode + vim plugin as your working IDE.
For more settings, please refer to vscode config
Surfingkeys is a chrome extension that provides vim-like keybindings in chrome.
I refer to the following repos to build my own dotfiles: