The most complete chat UI for React Native & Web
Coding Bootcamp in Paris co-founded by Farid Safi
Click to learn more
Scalable chat API/Server written in Go
API Tour | React Native Gifted tutorial
A complete app engine featuring GiftedChat
- π
able (since 0.10.0) web configuration - Write with TypeScript (since 0.8.0)
- Fully customizable components
- Composer actions (to attach photos, etc.)
- Load earlier messages
- Copy messages to clipboard
- Touchable links using react-native-parsed-text
- Avatar as user's initials
- Localized dates
- Multi-line TextInput
- InputToolbar avoiding keyboard
- Redux support
- System message
- Quick Reply messages (bot)
- Typing indicator
There's currently WIP going on to make the library more performant, modern in terms of chat UI and easier to maintain. If you have any issues, please report them. If you want to contribute, please do so.
The most stable version is 2.6.5
. If you want to use the latest version, please be aware that it's a work in progress.
Readme for this version: 2.6.5 readme
yarn add react-native-gifted-chat react-native-reanimated react-native-keyboard-controller
npm install --save react-native-gifted-chat react-native-reanimated react-native-keyboard-controller
npx expo install react-native-gifted-chat react-native-reanimated react-native-keyboard-controller
npx pod-install
Follow guide: react-native-reanimated
is exported as constants that can be used in your testing library of choice
Gifted Chat uses onLayout
to determine the height of the chat container. To trigger onLayout
during your tests, you can run the following bits of code.
const WIDTH = 200; // or any number
const HEIGHT = 2000; // or any number
const loadingWrapper = getByTestId(TEST_ID.LOADING_WRAPPER)
fireEvent(loadingWrapper, 'layout', {
nativeEvent: {
layout: {
width: WIDTH,
height: HEIGHT,
- Please check this readme and may find a response
- Please ask on StackOverflow first:
- Find response on existing issues
- Try to keep issues for issues
import React, { useState, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react'
import { GiftedChat } from 'react-native-gifted-chat'
export function Example() {
const [messages, setMessages] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
_id: 1,
text: 'Hello developer',
createdAt: new Date(),
user: {
_id: 2,
name: 'React Native',
avatar: '',
}, [])
const onSend = useCallback((messages = []) => {
setMessages(previousMessages =>
GiftedChat.append(previousMessages, messages),
}, [])
return (
onSend={messages => onSend(messages)}
_id: 1,
See App.tsx
for a working demo!
See the files in example/example-slack-message
for an example of how to override the default UI to make something that looks more like Slack -- with usernames displayed and all messages on the left.
e.g. Chat Message
export interface IMessage {
_id: string | number
text: string
createdAt: Date | number
user: User
image?: string
video?: string
audio?: string
system?: boolean
sent?: boolean
received?: boolean
pending?: boolean
quickReplies?: QuickReplies
_id: 1,
text: 'My message',
createdAt: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 5, 11, 17, 20, 0)),
user: {
_id: 2,
name: 'React Native',
avatar: '',
image: '',
// You can also add a video prop:
video: '',
// Mark the message as sent, using one tick
sent: true,
// Mark the message as received, using two tick
received: true,
// Mark the message as pending with a clock loader
pending: true,
// Any additional custom parameters are passed through
e.g. System Message
_id: 1,
text: 'This is a system message',
createdAt: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 5, 11, 17, 20, 0)),
system: true,
// Any additional custom parameters are passed through
e.g. Chat Message with Quick Reply options
See PR #1211
interface Reply {
title: string
value: string
messageId?: number | string
interface QuickReplies {
type: 'radio' | 'checkbox'
values: Reply[]
keepIt?: boolean
_id: 1,
text: 'This is a quick reply. Do you love Gifted Chat? (radio) KEEP IT',
createdAt: new Date(),
quickReplies: {
type: 'radio', // or 'checkbox',
keepIt: true,
values: [
title: 'π Yes',
value: 'yes',
title: 'π· Yes, let me show you with a picture!',
value: 'yes_picture',
title: 'π Nope. What?',
value: 'no',
user: {
_id: 2,
name: 'React Native',
_id: 2,
text: 'This is a quick reply. Do you love Gifted Chat? (checkbox)',
createdAt: new Date(),
quickReplies: {
type: 'checkbox', // or 'radio',
values: [
title: 'Yes',
value: 'yes',
title: 'Yes, let me show you with a picture!',
value: 'yes_picture',
title: 'Nope. What?',
value: 'no',
user: {
_id: 2,
name: 'React Native',
(FlatList ref) - Ref to the flatlisttextInputRef
(TextInput ref) - Ref to the text inputmessages
(Array) - Messages to displayisTyping
(Bool) - Typing Indicator state; defaultfalse
. If you userenderFooter
it will override this.isKeyboardInternallyHandled
(Bool) - Determine whether to handle keyboard awareness inside the plugin. If you have your own keyboard handling outside the plugin set this to false; default istrue
(String) - Input text; default isundefined
, but if specified, it will override GiftedChat's internal state (e.g. for redux; see notes below)placeholder
(String) - Placeholder whentext
is empty; default is'Type a message...'
(Function) - Generate an id for new messages. Defaults to UUID v4, generated by uuiduser
(Object) - User sending the messages:{ _id, name, avatar }
(Function) - Callback when sending a messagealwaysShowSend
(Bool) - Always show send button in input text composer; defaultfalse
, show only when text input is not emptylocale
(String) - Locale to localize the dates. You need first to import the locale you need (ie.require('dayjs/locale/de')
orimport 'dayjs/locale/fr'
(String) - Format to use for rendering times; default is'LT'
(see Day.js Format)dateFormat
(String) - Format to use for rendering dates; default is'D MMMM'
(see Day.js Format)dateFormatCalendar
(String) - Format to use for rendering relative times; Today - for now (see Day.js Calendar)loadEarlier
(Bool) - Enables the "load earlier messages" button, required forinfiniteScroll
(Function) - Callback when loading earlier messagesisLoadingEarlier
(Bool) - Display anActivityIndicator
when loading earlier messagesrenderLoading
(Function) - Render a loading view when initializingrenderLoadEarlier
(Function) - Custom "Load earlier messages" buttonrenderAvatar
(Function) - Custom message avatar; set tonull
to not render any avatar for the messageshowUserAvatar
(Bool) - Whether to render an avatar for the current user; default isfalse
, only show avatars for other usersshowAvatarForEveryMessage
(Bool) - When false, avatars will only be displayed when a consecutive message is from the same user on the same day; default isfalse
)) - Callback when a message avatar is tappedonLongPressAvatar
)) - Callback when a message avatar is long-pressedrenderAvatarOnTop
(Bool) - Render the message avatar at the top of consecutive messages, rather than the bottom; default isfalse
(Function) - Custom message bubblerenderTicks
)) - Custom ticks indicator to display message statusrenderSystemMessage
(Function) - Custom system messageonPress
)) - Callback when a message bubble is pressedonLongPress
)) - Callback when a message bubble is long-pressed (see example usingshowActionSheetWithOptions()
(Bool) - Reverses display order ofmessages
; default istrue
(Bool) - Indicate whether to show the user's username inside the message bubble; default isfalse
(Function) - Custom Username containerrenderMessage
(Function) - Custom message containerrenderMessageText
(Function) - Custom message textrenderMessageImage
(Function) - Custom message imagerenderMessageVideo
(Function) - Custom message videoimageProps
(Object) - Extra props to be passed to the<Image>
component created by the defaultrenderMessageImage
(Object) - Extra props to be passed to the video component created by the requiredrenderMessageVideo
(Object) - Extra props to be passed to theMessageImage
's LightboxisCustomViewBottom
(Bool) - Determine whether renderCustomView is displayed before or after the text, image and video views; default isfalse
(Function) - Custom view inside the bubblerenderDay
(Function) - Custom day above a messagerenderTime
(Function) - Custom time inside a messagerenderFooter
(Function) - Custom footer component on the ListView, e.g.'User is typing...'
; see App.tsx for an example. Overrides default typing indicator that triggers whenisTyping
is true.renderChatEmpty
(Function) - Custom component to render in the ListView when messages are emptyrenderChatFooter
(Function) - Custom component to render below the MessageContainer (separate from the ListView)renderInputToolbar
(Function) - Custom message composer containerrenderComposer
(Function) - Custom text input message composerrenderActions
(Function) - Custom action button on the left of the message composerrenderSend
(Function) - Custom send button; you can pass children to the originalSend
component quite easily, for example, to use a custom icon (example)renderAccessory
(Function) - Custom second line of actions below the message composeronPressActionButton
(Function) - Callback when the Action button is pressed (if set, the defaultactionSheet
will not be used)bottomOffset
(Integer) - Distance of the chat from the bottom of the screen (e.g. useful if you display a tab bar)focusOnInputWhenOpeningKeyboard
(Bool) - Focus on automatically when opening the keyboard; defaulttrue
(Integer) - Minimum height of the input toolbar; default is44
(Object) - Extra props to be passed to the messages<ListView>
; some props can't be overridden, see the code inMessageContainer.render()
for detailstextInputProps
(Object) - Extra props to be passed to the<TextInput>
(Object) - Custom style to be passed to the<TextInput>
(Bool) - Indicates whether to allow the<TextInput>
to be multiple lines or not; defaulttrue
(Enum) - Determines whether the keyboard should stay visible after a tap; see<ScrollView>
(Function) - Callback when the input text changesmaxInputLength
(Integer) - Max message composer TextInput lengthparsePatterns
(Function) - Custom parse patterns for react-native-parsed-text used to linking message content (like URLs and phone numbers), e.g.:
parsePatterns={(linkStyle) => [
{ type: 'phone', style: linkStyle, onPress: this.onPressPhoneNumber },
{ pattern: /#(\w+)/, style: { ...linkStyle, styles.hashtag }, onPress: this.onPressHashtag },
(Object) - Extra props for re-rendering FlatList on demand. This will be useful for rendering footer etc.minComposerHeight
(Object) - Custom min-height of the composer.maxComposerHeight
(Object) - Custom max height of the composer.
(Bool) - Enables the scroll to bottom Component (Default is false)scrollToBottomComponent
(Function) - Custom Scroll To Bottom Component containerscrollToBottomOffset
(Integer) - Custom Height Offset upon which to begin showing Scroll To Bottom Component (Default is 200)scrollToBottomStyle
(Object) - Custom style for Bottom Component containeralignTop
(Boolean) Controls whether or not the message bubbles appear at the top of the chat (Default is false - bubbles align to bottom)onQuickReply
(Function) - Callback when sending a quick reply (to backend server)renderQuickReplies
(Function) - Custom all quick reply viewquickReplyStyle
(StyleProp) - Custom quick reply view stylerenderQuickReplySend
(Function) - Custom quick reply send viewshouldUpdateMessage
(Function) - Lets the message component know when to update outside of normal cases.infiniteScroll
(Bool) - infinite scroll up when reach the top of messages container, automatically call onLoadEarlier function if exist (not yet supported for the web). You need to addloadEarlier
prop too.
Notes for Redux
The messages
prop should work out-of-the-box with Redux. In most cases, this is all you need.
If you decide to specify a text
prop, GiftedChat will no longer manage its own internal text
state and will defer entirely to your prop.
This is great for using a tool like Redux, but there's one extra step you'll need to take:
simply implement onInputTextChanged
to receive typing events and reset events (e.g. to clear the text onSend
onInputTextChanged={text => this.setCustomText(text)}
/* ... */
If you are using Create React Native App / Expo, no Android specific installation steps are required -- you can skip this section. Otherwise, we recommend modifying your project configuration as follows.
Make sure you have
in yourAndroidManifest.xml
:<activity android:name=".MainActivity" android:label="@string/app_name" android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize">
For Expo, there are at least 2 solutions to fix it:
- Append
after GiftedChat. This should only be done for Android, asKeyboardAvoidingView
may conflict with the iOS keyboard avoidance already built into GiftedChat, e.g.:
- Append
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<GiftedChat />
Platform.OS === 'android' && <KeyboardAvoidingView behavior="padding" />
If you use React Navigation, additional handling may be required to account for navigation headers and tabs. KeyboardAvoidingView
's keyboardVerticalOffset
property can be set to the height of the navigation header and tabBarOptions.keyboardHidesTabBar
can be set to keep the tab bar from being shown when the keyboard is up. Due to a bug with calculating height on Android phones with notches, KeyboardAvoidingView
is recommended over other solutions that involve calculating the height of the window.
adding an opaque background status bar on app.json (even though
is set internally on Expo's Android apps, the translucent status bar causes it not to work): -
If you plan to use
inside aModal
, see #200.
- Install
yarn global add expo-cli
- Install dependencies
yarn install
expo start
- Install
yarn global add expo-cli
- Install dependencies
yarn install
expo start -w
yarn add -D react-app-rewired
touch config-overrides.js
module.exports = function override(config, env) {
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules[/\\](?!react-native-gifted-chat|react-native-lightbox|react-native-parsed-text)/,
use: {
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: {
babelrc: false,
configFile: false,
presets: [
['@babel/preset-env', { useBuiltIns: 'usage' }],
plugins: ['@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties'],
return config
You will find an example and a web demo here: xcarpentier/gifted-chat-web-demo
Another example with Gatsby : xcarpentier/clean-archi-boilerplate
- How can I set Bubble color for each user?
- How can I pass style props to InputToolbar design and customize its color and other styles properties?
- How can I change the color of the message box?
- Is there a way to manually dismiss the keyboard?
- I want to implement a popover that pops right after clicking on a specific avatar, what is the best implementation in this case and how?
- Why TextInput is hidden on Android?
- How to use renderLoading?
- Can I use MySql to save the message?
Feel free to ask me questions on Twitter @FaridSafi! or @xcapetir!
- Kevin Cooper cooperka
- Kfir Golan kfiroo
- Bruno Cascio brunocascio
- Xavier Carpentier xcarpentier
- Kesha Antonov kesha-antonov
- more
Looking for a ReactNative freelance expert with more than 14 years of experience? Contact Xavier from hisΒ website!