- 🤖 Software Engineer
- 🎛️ Music Producer
- 📝 Obsessive Note-taker
- 🧠 Currently learning: Motion Graphics, Audio Plugin Development, Low-Level Programming
- 🎓 Degrees:
- B.S. in Computer Science at Cal State Fullerton (class of '19)
- Associate in Creative Coding and Immersive Technologies at Portland Community College (currently taking)
- Gen DSP Reference (React, Vite, Tailwind, React Query, JSONL): A reference page for the Max/MSP Gen operators. Useful for learning audio DSP.
- Patrician (React, Material UI, Next.js, GraphQL, NestJS, TypeORM, PostgreSQL): A web application and GraphQL API for organizing and sharing your physical and/or digital album collection. Its biggest inspiration is RateYourMusic.com, but its key difference is that it will be heavily profile-focused. Setting it apart from other music collection sites, it features expressive profile customization, easy importing from music players/online profiles/text files, advanced querying through the search bar and API, and Last.fm integration.
- Resources (Vanilla JS, Materialize, Node.js, EJS): An attempt at creating a personal bookmark manager organized by topic which also includes embedded Wikipedia articles, breadcrumb navigation, and search. The idea was that V1 would be a static site generated from YAML files, EJS templates, and a custom build script, and V2 would potentially make use of a real database and API so that I could add bookmarks using the site itself.
- Album Voting (React, Material UI, Firebase): A quick site I put together for my music podcast to vote on which albums we want to review. Google account authentication, database, and hosting are all done through Firebase.
- Article Bot Prime (Discord.js, OpenAI): A bot that my friends and I use for sharing articles for us to read and discuss. Provides summaries and discussion questions using GPT-3.5. (Old version here).
- Harmonia (Eris, TypeORM): A bot for sharing and listening to music, as well as posting Last.fm charts and stats (it is based on FMCord, a Last.fm bot). Songs can be shared from YouTube and Spotify, and can automatically be cross-posted to a subreddit and a Spotify playlist. In addition, there is a leaderboard feature which posts the top-voted songs in the Discord server by day, week, or month.
- Omniscience (Discord.js, Discord Akairo): A bot for looking up Wikipedia articles and other research info.
- Solutions: A GitHub Actions workflow for my podcast which listens for updates to YAML files to run the following actions: auto-generate and upload an RSS feed to use in podcast apps, save show notes to a Markdown file, and create/update the corresponding Reddit post for discussing the episode.
- Exportify Organizer: Organize archived Spotify playlists in CSV format. Example output repo
- RYM Local Webhook: Parses the RateYourMusic chart page and creating a Discord webhook post of the top albums.
- YouTube Album Search: Search albums (not songs or music videos) using YouTube's API.
- MBFC Node: Get MediaBiasFactCheck.com info for any site based on article URL.
When I'm not coding, I'm making heavy music in Ableton! Check out the links below to see more: