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PACS Pull Details

Nicolas Rannou edited this page May 9, 2017 · 2 revisions


Command to run a PACS_Query:

python3 \n
  --aec ORTHANC --aet CHIPS \n
  --serverIP --serverPort 4242 \n
  --patientID "2491"  --patientName "" --patientSex "" \n
  --studyDescription "" --studyDate "" --modalitiesInStudy "" \n
  --seriesDescription "" \n
   --performedStationAETitle ""  \n
  /tmp/query/ #output directory

That will create a new file “success.txt” in the output directory (/tmp/query).

  • Caveats #1: All parameters are not connected for search yet (i.e. studyDate has no effect) (edited)
  • Caveat #2: If we provide multiple patient IDs, it only uses the first one. (edited) (if patientID = “”, it will search against all Patients)


Command to run a PACS_Retrieve:

python3 \n
 --aec ORTHANC --aet CHIPS --aetListener CHIPS \n
 --serverIP --serverPort 4242
 --dataLocation /incoming/data/ \n
 --seriesUIDS "0,1,2,3,4,5,6" \n
 /tmp/query/ /tmp/retrieve/ # input and ouput directories
  1. Fetch success.txt from /tmp/query
  2. Retrieve selected seriesUIDS from this file.
  3. Returns once the data has been received in dataLocation.

The PacsServer (ORTHANC) must push the data to a dicom_listener that will pack the data into /incoming/data. aetListener is used to let ORTHANC know where to push data to.

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