This is the source code used to build our website:
This repo is here for the purpose of 1) public backup, and 2) sharing how the website works.
This is NOT a place for issues, pull requests.
Please contact Hannah Hurst at [email protected], or Martin Cook at [email protected], for any questions, suggestions, etc.
It is implemented in php, but intended to stay simple. If you want to deploy the website locally, why not try Docker with docker-compose (how to get docker)?
git clone
docker-compose up --build
You can visit http://localhost/ now to see the website.
If you edit any file, stop the previous process (usually Ctrl + C), then execute again:
docker-compose up --build
to always see the most up-to-date version.
- Martin Cook
This is a test message to see if git-ftp has been integrated correctly or not.