Tags: Exabyte-io/express
Toggle 2024.8.14-0's commit message
Merge pull request #146 from Exabyte-io/feat/SOF-7417
SOF-7417: consider non-collinear case while parsing qe bandstructure
Toggle 2024.3.14-0's commit message
Merge pull request #145 from Exabyte-io/feature/SOF-7266-1-round-coor…
Toggle 2024.2.21-3's commit message
Merge pull request #145 from Exabyte-io/feature/SOF-7266-1-round-coor…
Toggle 2024.2.21-2's commit message
Merge pull request #144 from Exabyte-io/feature/SOF-7266-1-round-coor…
update: round materials coordinates, lattice params
Toggle 2024.2.21-1's commit message
Merge pull request #143 from Exabyte-io/feature/SOF-7266-1-round-coor…
Toggle 2024.2.21-0's commit message
Merge pull request #142 from Exabyte-io/feature/SOF-7266
feature/SOF-7266 chore: start basis arrays from 0
Toggle 2024.2.15-0's commit message
Merge pull request #141 from Exabyte-io/chore/tmp-remove-rdkit
chore: tmp remove rdkit
Toggle 2024.2.2-2's commit message
Merge pull request #141 from Exabyte-io/chore/tmp-remove-rdkit
chore: tmp remove rdkit
Toggle 2024.2.2-1's commit message
chore: remove numpy version pinning
To allow for jupyter lite use
Toggle 2024.2.2-0's commit message
chore: remove numpy version pinning
To allow for jupyter lite use
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