DesktopManager is available as NuGet from the Nuget Gallery.
You can also download it from PowerShell Gallery
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DesktopManager is a C# library and PowerShell module that allows to play with desktop settings. It allows to get information about monitors, display devices, wallpapers and set wallpapers. There are 2 ways to use:
- C# Library - use it in your projects
- PowerShell Module - use it in your scripts
It has following features:
- Get information about monitors
- Get information about display devices
- Get information about wallpapers
- Set wallpapers
- Get/Set monitor position
For using in PowerShell you can install it from PowerShell Gallery
Install-Module DesktopManager -Force -Verbose
Full exaple can be found in DesktopManager.Example
project, as helper methods are requried to display data properly.
Monitors monitor = new Monitors();
var getMonitors = monitor.GetMonitors();
Helpers.AddLine("Number of monitors", getMonitors.Count);
Helpers.ShowPropertiesTable("GetMonitors() ", getMonitors);
var getMonitorsConnected = monitor.GetMonitorsConnected();
Helpers.AddLine("Number of monitors (connected):", getMonitorsConnected.Count);
Helpers.ShowPropertiesTable("GetMonitorsConnected() ", getMonitorsConnected);
var listDisplayDevices = monitor.DisplayDevicesAll();
Console.WriteLine("Count DisplayDevicesAll: " + listDisplayDevices.Count);
Helpers.ShowPropertiesTable("DisplayDevicesAll()", listDisplayDevices);
var getDisplayDevices = monitor.DisplayDevicesConnected();
Console.WriteLine("Count DisplayDevicesConnected: " + getDisplayDevices.Count);
Helpers.ShowPropertiesTable("DisplayDevicesConnected()", getDisplayDevices);
Console.WriteLine("Wallpaper Position (only first monitor): " + monitor.GetWallpaperPosition());
foreach (var device in monitor.GetMonitorsConnected()) {
Console.WriteLine("MonitorID: " + device.DeviceId);
Console.WriteLine("Wallpaper Path: " + device.GetWallpaper());
var rect1 = device.GetMonitorPosition();
Console.WriteLine("RECT1: {0} {1} {2} {3}", rect1.Left, rect1.Top, rect1.Right, rect1.Bottom);
// Get and display monitor position
var position = monitor.GetMonitorPosition(device.DeviceId);
Helpers.ShowPropertiesTable($"Position before move {device.DeviceId}", position);
var position1 = device.GetMonitorPosition();
Helpers.ShowPropertiesTable($"Position before move {device.DeviceId}", position1);
// Set monitor position
monitor.SetMonitorPosition(@"\\?\DISPLAY#GSM5BBF#5&22b00b5d&0&UID4352#{e6f07b5f-ee97-4a90-b076-33f57bf4eaa7}", -3840, 500, 0, 2160);
// Get and display monitor position
var testPosition = monitor.GetMonitorPosition(@"\\?\DISPLAY#GSM5BBF#5&22b00b5d&0&UID4352#{e6f07b5f-ee97-4a90-b076-33f57bf4eaa7}");
Helpers.ShowPropertiesTable("Position after move", testPosition);
// Set monitor position
monitor.SetMonitorPosition(@"\\?\DISPLAY#GSM5BBF#5&22b00b5d&0&UID4352#{e6f07b5f-ee97-4a90-b076-33f57bf4eaa7}", -3840, 0, 0, 2160);
// Get and display monitor position
testPosition = monitor.GetMonitorPosition(@"\\?\DISPLAY#GSM5BBF#5&22b00b5d&0&UID4352#{e6f07b5f-ee97-4a90-b076-33f57bf4eaa7}");
Helpers.ShowPropertiesTable("Position after move", testPosition);
monitor.SetWallpaper(1, @"C:\Users\przemyslaw.klys\Downloads\CleanupMonster2.jpg");
Get-DesktopMonitor | Format-Table
Get-DesktopWallpaper -Index 0
Set-DesktopWallpaper -Index 1 -WallpaperPath "C:\Support\GitHub\ImagePlayground\Sources\ImagePlayground.Examples\bin\Debug\net7.0\Images\KulekWSluchawkach.jpg" -Position Fit
Set-DesktopWallpaper -Index 0 -WallpaperPath "C:\Users\przemyslaw.klys\Downloads\IMG_4820.jpg"
$Desktop1 = Get-DesktopMonitor
$Desktop1 | Format-Table
$Desktop2 = Get-DesktopMonitor -ConnectedOnly
$Desktop2 | Format-Table
$Desktop3 = Get-DesktopMonitor -PrimaryOnly
$Desktop3 | Format-Table
$Desktop4 = Get-DesktopMonitor -Index 1
$Desktop4 | Format-Table
$Desktop5 = Get-DesktopMonitor -DeviceName "\\.\DISPLAY2"
$Desktop5 | Format-Table
$Desktop2 = Get-DesktopMonitor -ConnectedOnly
$Desktop2 | Format-Table
Set-DesktopPosition -Index 0 -Left -3840 -Top 0 -Right 0 -Bottom 1660 -WhatIf
Set-DesktopPosition -Index 1 -Left 0 -Top 0 -Right 3840 -Bottom 2160 -WhatIf