Added RPC NODE for mainnet
CPU: 32 vCPU ~ (AMD EPYC 7443 ~ recommended)
RAM: 512GB~
Storage: 1TB SSD for accounts and 1TB SSD for ledger
sh -c "$(curl -sSfL "https://storage.googleapis.com/epics-bucket/resource/solv/v3.0.0/install")"
cd ~ && source ~/.profile
solv setup // Select RPC_NODE
This will start downloading the snapshot and catching up the slots.
It will take a while to complete the process. (Around a couple of hours to 1 day)
Once it's done, you can start using you localhost node.
Check if the slot is up to date:
solv get catchup
Check if your node works:
solana config get --url http://localhost:8899
solana balance
What's Changed
- update: release v3.1.0 by @POPPIN-FUMI in 8be2f0e
- Merge pull request 54 from EpicsDAO/rpc by @POPPIN-FUMI in 5b12d7b
- added RPC_NODE for mainnet by @POPPIN-FUMI in 008b799