Apollo is an application to manage cinema tickets. To sell tickets, it provides a WPF based terminal application. Additionally, it provides a RestAPI to connect Web based client application.
- Be sure you have docker and docker-compose installed in the latest version
- Furthermore, you will need Linux or git-bash for Windows to execute the provided shell scripts
Clone this repository via
git clone
Switch to
folder -
Be sure to have the latest version of
docker-compose -version
>= version 1.27.4 anddocker -v
>= 19.03.13 -
Open a terminal and execute the following command :
docker-compose up -d
Inside the folder we provide you with a default .env
file. This should not be delivered to staging or production environments.
For the ease of use we have commited this file to ensure that the databases can be started easily. If you adapt the environment variables you have to adapt the appsettings.json
After you executed step 4. of the Setup section you should see the following containers running when you run the command docker ps -a
Container | Port | Responsibility |
apollo.dev.db | 3306 | Development Database |
apollo.test.db | 3307 | Test Database |
apollo.authentication.prod | 9000 | Keycloak |
apollo.authentication.dev | 9001 | Test Keycloak |
apollo.api | 8080 | Apollo Rest API |
- After you have verified that the containers are up and running you must copy the provided
dump file into\apollo\docker
- Run the
script which is located there to seed the development database
If you want to backup you current development database you can run the provided backup script. Run db_backup.sh
to create a compressed file for your test and development database.
We created a simple console application with the project Apollo.Import
. This importer fetches real data from IMDB (Top 250 movies) and we parse this data to seed our own database.
The API-Key is only valid until 18.11.2020. Afer the expiration date you either have to provide you own API-KEY (Standard Subscription for 5000 Requests per day) or you must use the apollo_dev_backup.sql.gz
The property can be found in the corresponding appsettings.json file in the Terminal project. The possible configuration options are listed below:
Property name | Description | Possible values | Unit |
Inactive_Timeout | The time until the application resets their state and show the home screen | Positive integer number | Seconds |
Play_Button_Inactive_Timeout | The time until the play button of the video player disappears | Positive integer number | Seconds |
Apollo_Database | Connection string of the database | Valid database connection string | - |
Bookable_Days | Count of bookable day from today on which are shown on the terminal | Positive integer number | Days |
TerminalUser | UUID of the user which is used for the terminal | Valid UUID string | - |
ReservationBufferMinutes | Time until a movie can be booked before the start time | Positive integer number | Minutes |
OnScreen_Keyboard_Enabled | If the Windows-On-Screen keyboard should appear after focusing an input element | True | False |
VirtualOnScreen_Keyboard_Enabled | If the integrated virtual keyboard should appear after focusing an input element | True | False |
The property can be found in the corresponding appsettings.json file in the API project. The possible configuration options are listed below:
Property name | Description | Possible values |
Apollo_Database | Connection string of the database | Valid database connection string |
JWT_ENDPOINT | URL with the used REALM of the authentication server | Positive integer number |
JWT_CLIENT | Client-ID of the used client on the authentication server | Valid UUID string |
Port | Port where the API is reachable | Positive integer number |
Logging | Logging options for the API | JSON structure |
To start a released version, first download the desired version and extract it. Afterwards, navigate to subfolder of the application you want to start.
To start the terminal application, open the subfolder terminal
and open the executable. To configure the
application, navigate into the assets
folder and change the corresponding appsettings.json
To start the API, open the subfolder api
and import the docker image. To import the docker image,
run following command:
docker load --input apollo.api-<version>.tar
Afterwards the API is startable with the docker-compose file which is described in the section Get Started.
This layer is responsible to store all necessary data. At the moment this storage is
a relational database.The layer above implements all necessary methods and accesses the
storage (persistence) layer. This gives us the flexibility to change the Database without
any migration pain.
We use two MariaDB databases to be able to perform tests without modifying the production
This class is responsible for wrapping the access to the underneath persistence layer. To
achieve this, it gets an instance of a factory to create the connection dynamically based
on the configuration file.
We use this layer at the moment to perform the main SQL commands. There are Select, Update,
Delete and Insert statements which we use inside this layer to perform SQL commands. All
commands are realized as Prepared Statements to avoid SQL injection. Additionally,
the implementation of this layer contains a functionality to perform database transactions.
This class is responsible for making the Fluent SQL functionality accessible. This includes all CRUD commands. Additionally, it contains predefined statements. For example, a statement to select all data or only one row. Furthermore, it contains the transaction option.
This layer is responsible for wrapping all SQL statements. As a result, it is possible to write fluent code instead of old-fashioned SQL statements as plain string, that are not type safe. All possible options are described in the section Usage.
This layer describes the format of the data. In addition, this entities are used to pass data through the layers. Every entity is identified by an unique ID. Furthermore, these entities have some functionality to compare it with another instance of the same entity.
This layer is responsible for loading data from the storage and pass it to the layer above. Every entity has a separate data access object. The main reason for this is, to collect all relevant queries in a single class. The DAO-Layer contains no business logic or validation. On the one hand, it only checks if the given data is correct before it persists it. On the other hand, it can join tables to resolve one-to-one relationships.
This layer is responsible for handling all "database business logic". This means to combine data access objects by business cases. One repository, calls in further consequence multiple data access objects to achieve the necessary business case. This layer is also responsible for making some sanity checks. For example, it should not be possible to add parallel movie schedules for the same cinema hall. Furthermore, wrap multiple statements into transactions. Furthermore, it wraps multiple statements into transactions. Nevertheless, this layer contains no general business logic. Middleware like logging can be easily used inside the repositories to provide developers with rich error messages. Logging messages which are addressed the user should be placed in the business logic layer.
This layer is responsible for wrapping all repositories. Therefore, all repositories should be lazy initialized and available as a Singleton objects. To access the repositories, the unit of work layer is used. It is not possible to access a repository directly.
This layer represents the business logic. This means that all requests are delegated to the corresponding underlying layers. Primarily, the data are queried via the Unit of Work layer and subsequently from the database. However, other services such as the payment layer are also addressed. In addition, the external layer is addressed, for example to perform validations. All data are passed to higher layers in the form of Data Transfer Objects. These layer maps the underlying data into exactly these projects.
This layer contains Data Transfer objects. These are used to transport data to higher layers.
This layer puts a wrapper over the access to external payment APIs. This has the advantage that the same interface can always be used internally. Only an adapter has to be created for a new payment interface. In addition, the corresponding data must of course be delivered to the API.
This layer offers the possibility to add external interfaces. Currently, this is used to implement external seat validators. In concrete terms, it is exactly this interface that is used for Corona-conform seat validation. This means that if new guidelines arise here, the application itself does not need to be changed.
This is the WPF application that is started on the terminals in the cinema to handle the booking process. Additionally, this application offers the possibility to get information about the movie program. Details, prices and trailers for the films are displayed. If a reservation and payment has been made successfully, the ticket can be printed.
The payment API is an interface to implement external payment methods for this project. The interface looks like this:
public interface IPaymentApi<in TMethod> where TMethod: IPaymentMethod
Task TransactionAsync(decimal amount, string description, TMethod method);
As first parameter it expects the amount in Euro. The second one describes the transaction. This means the text, that should appear on the debit. The third parameter contains the necessary payment method data.
The base payment method is only an empty interface. To implement a payment method, you must derive from this payment method interface.
public interface IPaymentMethod
The payment method "Apollo Credit Card" is one implementation of the IPaymentMethod
. It holds
all data which are mandatory for a credit card. The class looks like:
public class ApolloCreditCard: IPaymentMethod
public string CardNumber { get; set; }
public string OwnerName { get; set; }
public DateTime OwnerBirthday { get; set; }
public DateTime Expiration { get; set; }
public string Cvr { get; set; }
This attribute is necessary to mark a class as an entity. It owns a single field which is the name of the data source. If you use a relational database, it indicates the table name.
public class Entity
This attribute is necessary to mark a property as an entity entry. It owns one mandatory field which describes the entity entry name. In addition, it contains an optional field to signal that this entity entry is a key. If you use a relational database, the first property is the column name inside the table. The second one, mark it as primary key.
public class ...
[EntityColumn("entry_name", true)]
public long Property { get; set; }
This attribute is necessary to mark a property as an entity reference entry. It owns one mandatory field which describes the referenced entity name. If you use a relational database, it is a foreign key. The field name is the name of the referenced table.
public class ...
public object RefTable { get; set; }
Fluent SQL Select provides fluent methods to retrieve data from the database. It packs the result data into objects. Also, joining multiple tables and linking the result in objects are supported. But, joins are restricted to 1:1 relations.
.Column(cw => cw.Id)
.Column(cw => cw.Title)
.ColumnRef<GenreTest, string>(gt => gt.Name)
.ColumnRef<ActorTest, string>(at => at.FirstName)
.InnerJoin<MovieTest, GenreTest, long, long>(mt => mt.Genre, mt => mt.GenreId, gt => gt.Id)
.InnerJoin<MovieTest, MovieActorTest, long, long>(mt => mt.MovieActor, mt => mt.Id, mat => mat.MovieId)
.InnerJoin<MovieActorTest, ActorTest, long, long>(mt => mt.MovieActor.Actor, mt => mt.ActorId, at => at.Id)
.Where(_ => _.Id)
.And(_ => _.Id)
.ByDescending(_ => _.Id)
.ByDescending(_ => _.Genre.Name)
.InnerJoin<MovieTest, GenreTest, long, long>(mt => mt.Genre, mt => mt.GenreId, gt => gt.Id)
.InnerJoin<MovieTest, MovieActorTest, long, long>(mt => mt.MovieActor, mt => mt.Id, mat => mat.MovieId)
.InnerJoin<MovieActorTest, ActorTest, long, long>(mt => mt.MovieActor.Actor, mt => mt.ActorId, at => at.Id)
Fluent SQL Insert is pretty simple in usage. Its possible to insert single entities or enumerations of multiple entities.
The example below shows how multiple Cinema entities are inserted. The insert itself is asynchronous and is performed with
the execute statement.
var cinemaHalls = new List<CinemaHall>
new CinemaHall {Id = 1L, Label = "Cinema-1"},
new CinemaHall {Id = 2L, Label = "Cinema-2"},
new CinemaHall {Id = 3L, Label = "Cinema-3"},
new CinemaHall {Id = 4L, Label = "Cinema-4"},
new CinemaHall {Id = 5L, Label = "Cinema-5"}
var cinemaHallIds = await _fluentEntity.InsertInto(cinemaHalls)
Fluent SQL Update works a bit different than a usual SQL update statement. It is necessary to pass one or multiple entities to the update
method of Fluent SQL. The changed properties will be updated after the execute statement is performed. Furthermore, it is not possible
to add a WHERE clause with conditions.
var horrorGenre = await _fluentEntity.SelectAll<Genre>()
.Where(genre => genre.Name)
const string horrorAdventure = "Horror-Adventure";
horrorGenre.Name = horrorAdventure;
var updateCount = await _fluentEntity.Update<Genre>(horrorGenre)
Fluent SQL Delete is similiar designed like native SQL statements. You can currently use multiple conditions and chain them
to perform a conditional deletion. After the delete statement is executed the method returns the deleted amount of rows.
await _fluentEntity.Delete<Genre>()
.Where(genre => genre.Name)
.Or(genre => genre.Id)
.And(genre => genre.Name)
Fluent SQL Transaction provides fluent methods to perform database transactions.
.Perform(_entityManager.FluentEntity().InsertInto(new GenreMock
Id = 1,
RowVersion = DateTime.Now,
Name = "Horror"
.Perform(_entityManager.FluentEntity().InsertInto(new GenreMock
Id = 2,
RowVersion = DateTime.Now,
Name = "Drama"
.PerformBlock(async () =>
await _entityManager.FluentEntity().InsertInto(new GenreMock
Id = 1,
RowVersion = DateTime.Now,
Name = genreName
await _entityManager.FluentEntity().InsertInto(new MovieMock
Id = 1,
RowVersion = DateTime.Now,
Description = "Demo",
Duration = 1,
GenreId = 1,
Image = new byte[] { },
Title = movieTitle,
Trailer = "empty"
The user must click on the screen to access the film overview. If nothing is done
on the terminal for a certain time, the user returns to this view.
The user can change the language of the application by clicking on the
individual shortcuts. Currently Apollo only supports English and German as languages because the target group is the DACH-market.
The user sees an overview of the films. The corresponding tag can be selected via
a combo box. Afterwards all movies which are still playing on that day can be seen.
If no movies are currently playing on this day, because the schedules have already started, the user will not see any movie but a proper message is displayed.
Furthermore, it is possible to filter by genre or film title. By clicking on the
film, the details and the booking process are displayed.
In this view the user can inform himself about the film. In addition, there is the possibility to watch a trailer, if available.
After a click on the play button the trailer starts.
If you click on the movie again, you have the possibility to pause the trailer with the Pause button.
In addition, by clicking on the appropriate time, you can access the booking process.
In this view you have the possibility to select the desired seats. By visualization you can
see which seats are occupied, locked, free or currently selected. White seats a are free, grey seats are already reserved and locked seats are a mixture of grey color and stripes.
The user is visually informed which seats he/she has selected in form of yellow highlighted seats.
Additionally, in the upper right corner you can see how many seats are currently selected and how many can still be selected.
If an invalid combination was entered and an attempt is made to continue, a corresponding error
message appears. The validation rules can be added or removed regarding to the current situation. In the scenario below
the validation rules are that seast must be in the same row , a block of seats can only be reserved and there must be at least one free seat between different reservations.
Furthermore, the selection of already reserved or locked seats is prevented by showing an error message.
In this view, you will now be prompted to enter the payment method. You can also see how many tickets are booked and how much the total price is.
If there are any errors during the payment process we display an appropriate message for the user in form of a snackbar.
On top of the that all fields are validated. That means it is not possible to enter invalid credit card numbers or cvcs beforehand.
Once you have reached this page, the reservation has been made successfully. Afterwards the
ticket can still be printed. If you now click on continue, the booking process is completed
and you will return to the film overview.
After clicking the printing button a printing dialog opens and the user is able to print his/her ticket. In a producitve environment the user would send it directly to the printer omitting this dialog,
but for testing purpose it is shown that the ticket is correctly saved as an PDF document.
In the end you can see the printed ticket as a PDF document.
This projects uses Swagger-Open-API documentation for visualizing the endpoints. The descriptions and return values are generated via a XML document which is automatically generated. The only necessity during the development process is that it is obligatory to use XML-comments for each endpoint method.
c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo
Version = "v1",
Title = "Apollo API",
Description = "The legendary Apollo cinema API.",
TermsOfService = new Uri("https://example.com/terms"),
Contact = new OpenApiContact
Name = "Rudolf Hermanseder and Michael Eder",
Email = "[email protected]",
Url = new Uri("https://www.fh-ooe.at/en/hagenberg-campus/")
License = new OpenApiLicense
Name = "MIT",
Url = new Uri("https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT"),
The middleware automatically generates from the OpenApiInfo the API documentation in form of an HTML document which is automatically served).
The client has to request the authentication server for a token, before he can make calls to restricted endpoints. To get a valid token, you must provide a valid client id, username and password. After a successful check you get a response with the token. This token has to be forwarded to the Apollo API. Afterwards, the Apollo API requests the authentication resource server to validate the given token. If the token is valid it gets the containing claims back. Consequently, the API checks if the given UUID represents a valid user in the database. If this is the case, it compares the role of the user with the necessary endpoint roles. If this roles match, the request can be forwarded to the controller and back to the client.
The authorization process is configured to work with Swagger. The user can identify the secured endpoints via lock symbols. To access those endpoints for operations like PUT-, POST- and DELETE-request you have to open send a POST-request with your credentials to our Keycloak server. If the credentials are valid, you receive a JWT which can be used to access the protected routes.
Open the authorization dialog via presssing this button on the Swagger site.
Enter your JWT and you can access all endpoints even the protected ones.
The followoing configuration is used in the Startup.cs
Name | Description |
AddRouting(options => options.LowercaseUrls = true) | Routes can be lowercase or not |
UseCors(config => config.AllowAnyOrigin()) | Disables CORS policy |
UseAuthentication() | Enables Authentication for endpoints |
UseAuthorization() | Enables AUthorization for endpoints |