Based on the amazing nextui-dashboard-template. This repo basically takes that template and:
- abstracts out code that can be considered implementation details, shared, etc
- adds sorting and pagination
It doesn't add modularization for every possible spot. Feel free to improve it with a PR for anything you need.
Read the documentation
[ ] add slots across sidebar and top nav for arbitrary components [ ] remove next as a dependency (Image, Router used sidebar)
- didn't support nextui
- at the time, v7 wasn't out with tailwind support
- looked really nice but I some features I desired were enterprise. Wanted something next-ui specific
- Using latest module and target settings for current LTS
- using tsc for types until bun support comes around
Using changesets so please remember to run "changeset" with any PR.
Give consideration for the summary as it is what will show up in the changelog.