This is a market place for planes, my goal is to practice Rails.
Inspirations : airbnb and clickandboat.
To get started, run :
bundle install
yarn install
rails db:create db:migrate
Deployed on Heroku : here.
You can find the draf (really it is an ugly draft!) here.
You can have a look at the DB schema here or below :
I will work on the following user stories :
- As a user, I can visit the Home Page
- As a user, I can add, update, delete a plane (ie : the user is a plane owner)
- As a user, I can book a plane
- As a user, I can filter the planes offers
- As a user, I can access a plane details
- As a user, I can access my pending bookings
- As a user, I can access my dashboard
- As a user, I can sign in & log in / log out