This repository contains a list of STAC Workflow Open Orchestration Platform (SWOOP) test templates to use with Testkube.
Refer to the official Testkube Getting Started documentation for up-to date instructions.
On MacOS you can install testkube from Homebrew by running:
brew install testkube
For other systems, check Installing Testkube CLI Official Docs.
To install Testkube on your kubernetes environment via Helm run:
helm repo add kubeshop ; helm repo update && helm upgrade --install --reuse-values --create-namespace testkube kubeshop/testkube --namespace testkube
And wait for pods to be ready with:
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=30m pod -n testkube -l
You will first need to port forward the testkube-dashboard to port 8080 and testkube-api-server to port 8088
kubectl port-forward svc/testkube-dashboard 8080 -n testkube &
kubectl port-forward svc/testkube-api-server 8088 -n testkube &
Then specify the testkube api endpoint by:
testkube config api-uri
Then you should be able to access the Testkube Dashboard by going on your browser to: http://localhost:8080/apiEndpoint?apiEndpoint=localhost:8088/v1
First you will need to stand up swoop on your local environment. The quickest way to do that is cloning the FilmDrop Terraform K8s repo: and then execute:
terraform init
terraform plan -var-file=local.tfvars
terraform apply -var-file=local.tfvars
Wait for the swoop api pod to be up via:
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=30m pod -n swoop -l app=swoop-api
Then you can create your first testkube test, which will hit the root of swoop-api by running:
testkube create test --namespace testkube --name swoop-api-root-test --type curl/test --test-content-type git-file --git-uri --git-branch main --git-path tests/curl/swoop-api-root-test.json --variable apiHost=swoop-api.swoop:8000
Then run your testkube test by running:
testkube run test --watch swoop-api-root-test
You should see the test running on your terminal, but you should also see it running on the testkube dashboard via http://localhost:8080/tests
You're also able to centralize the tests from all your environments by running in Testkube Cloud:
To do so, you will need to install a helm agent pointing to your organization project on Testkube cloud
helm repo add kubeshop ; helm repo update && helm upgrade --install --reuse-values --create-namespace testkube kubeshop/testkube --set<REPLACE_WITH_TESTKUBE_CLOUD_KEY> --set<REPLACE_WITH_TESTKUBE_ORG_ID> --set<REPLACE_WITH_TESTKUBE_ENV_ID> --set testkube-api.minio.enabled=false --set mongodb.enabled=false --set testkube-dashboard.enabled=false --set --namespace testkube
You can retrieve the testkube key and id parameters, as well as more up to-date information in Testkube Agent Install Official documentation.