This AddOn helps you transfer items through the neutral auction house.
Enter a player name in the GUI and click "Start".
This AddOn will automatically buy all auctions that were posted by this player.
The character that is listing the items can use this macro to auction all items in the main bag for 1 copper each:
/run for i=1,16 do PickupContainerItem(0, i) ClickAuctionSellItemButton() StartAuction(1,1,120) end
Servers using the Nostalrius core have an anti-auction sniping feature: Auctions are not visible by other players for 5 minutes. Only players with the same IP address as the owner can see the auction during these 5 minutes. That's why it is safe to use this addon, even if it takes a longer time to find and buy auctions. You will never get sniped.