This is a small silly little application in which you can setup interval timers that show a windows notification at these set intervals.
There is the option to add and remove a timer.
To add a timer, as stated in the interface, input the number 1. This wil give you the steps to create a new interval timer.
It will ask you a couple questions. First is how many seconds you would like the interval to be. Secondly you are to give it a name so you can later identify it when removing it. Lastly a question about a message you would like the windows notification to contain. This is allowed to just be empty. Every notification will contain a count of how many of this type of notification you have received so far. Just for fun.
To remove a timer, as stated in the interface, input the number 2. This will give you the steps to remove an interval timer you previously added. If none were added it will say so and go back to the menu.
It will show you a list of currently active times with their given identifier you put in before. Prepended to the identifier will be a unique number. This number is the one you need to input in order to stop and remove that timer.
There really is not much of an installation process. Just clone the repo, build it, copy paste it somewhere, and if you're really fancy add the folder to the path in your environment.
Thats all really, good day and keep your chin up.