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Configuration Bringing it all together

Jesse McKee edited this page Sep 16, 2022 · 2 revisions


Now we know about Actions & Modifiers, as well as how to format our messages, but how do you configure it all?!

First let's take a look at first-join-message

    "MESSAGE: <yellow> Welcome to the server <name>!",
    "BROADCAST : <green><name> <yellow>has joined for the first time! Give them a welcome!"

The important thing to make note of here is the colon character --: This character is the split between your actions and your formatted string!

We can even perform multiple actions on the same line

    "MESSAGE ACTIONBARBROADCAST DELAY=10: <yellow> Welcome to the server <name>!"

This will send a message to the player joining, and broadcast to the actionbar the same message. This will also delay both messages by 10 seconds


The formats configuration block can have multiple blocks with multiple settings! The plugin will filter by permission and priority and display only the one that applies! Let's talk about some of the options.

join=[] This is the list of actions that get checked during the join event.

quit=[] Same as above but for the quit event

permission="" This is a string permission, users who have this permissiom may see this format

priority=0 This is an Int, Higher the priority the higher the likelyhood it's applied.

type="" Type has 3 options, NORMAL|RANDOM|VANISH, Normal operates as expected, Random sends a random action from it's list, instead of the entire list like Normal. VANISH currently has no effect.

formats {
    default {
            "ACTIONBARBROADCAST : <yellow>[<green>+<yellow>]<green> <name>",
            "MESSAGE: <green>Welcome back!",
            "MESSAGE DELAY=1 CHANCE=50:<green>There's a 50% chance you'll see this!",
            "BROADCAST DELAY=10: <red>Don't forget to <rainbow>vote!",
            "SOUNDBROADCAST : entity.cow.hurt;100;2",
            "TELEPORT : minecraft:overworld;-175;72;-220"
            "BROADCAST:<yellow>[<red>GRR<yellow>]<green> <name>"

MOTDS (Message Of The Day)

Settings here are mostly the same as Formats, but with one key difference. Delay=0 This is an Int, and this delay is added to the delay of the action if any.

motds {
    default {
            "MESSAGE : <YELLOW>__________________________________",
            "MESSAGE : <RAINBOW>Welcome to the server <green><name>",
            "MESSAGE : <YELLOW>__________________________________"
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