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DouweHorsthuis committed Oct 21, 2021
1 parent ff3b70b commit 4b62052
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Showing 25 changed files with 464 additions and 707 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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<img src="images/CNL_logo_2.jpeg" alt="Logo" width="286" height="120">

<h3 align="center">EEG pipeline using EEGlab Specific to Visual Gating</h3>
<h3 align="center">EEG pipeline using EEGlab</h3>

<p align="center">
This EEG pipeline is made to analyze data collected with a biosemi system, using however many channels you want. There are several cleaning steps (e.g. channel rejection, ICA, epoch rejection) after which stats can be done using R studio. This pipeline contains several scripts, organized alphabetically. Each script runs a loop on all the participants, making sure that the same steps are taken for each participant. The reason it is not one big script is, because after running each script it would be a good moment to check if you are happy with the data.
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49 changes: 31 additions & 18 deletions src/A_merge_sets.m
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@@ -1,19 +1,32 @@
% EEGLAB merge sets modified from Ana on 2017-07-11
% EEGLAB merge sets, and creates .set file
% by Douwe Horsthuis updated on 6/21/2021
% ------------------------------------------------
EEG = pop_biosig('\\\users\Ana and Douwe\22Q\Visual gating\Data\12459\12459_visualgating_1.bdf', 'ref',[67 68] ,'refoptions',{'keepref' 'off'});
[ALLEEG EEG CURRENTSET] = pop_newset(ALLEEG, EEG, 0,'setname','12459_1','gui','off');
EEG = pop_saveset( EEG, 'filename','12459_1.set','filepath','\\\users\Ana and Douwe\22Q\Visual gating\Data\12459\\');
EEG = pop_biosig('\\\users\Ana and Douwe\22Q\Visual gating\Data\12459\12459_visualgating_2.bdf', 'ref',[67 68] ,'refoptions',{'keepref' 'off'});
[ALLEEG EEG CURRENTSET] = pop_newset(ALLEEG, EEG, 0,'setname','12459_2','gui','off');
EEG = pop_saveset( EEG, 'filename','12459_2.set','filepath','\\\users\Ana and Douwe\22Q\Visual gating\Data\12459\\');
EEG = eeg_checkset( EEG );
EEG = pop_mergeset( ALLEEG, [1 2 ], 0);
[ALLEEG EEG CURRENTSET] = pop_newset(ALLEEG, EEG, 1,'setname','12459','gui','off');
EEG = eeg_checkset( EEG );
EEG = pop_saveset( EEG, 'filename','12459.set','filepath','\\\users\Ana and Douwe\22Q\Visual gating\Data\12459\');
subject_list = {'some sort of ID' 'a different id for a different particpant'}; %all the IDs for the indivual particpants
filename = 'the_rest_of_the_file_name'; % if your bdf file has a name besides the ID of the participant (e.g. oddball_paradigm)
home_path = 'path_where_to_load_in_pc'; %place data is (something like 'C:\data\')
blocks = 5; % the amount of BDF files. if different participant have different amounts of blocks, run those participant separate
for s = 1:length(subject_list)
clear ALLEEG
close all
data_path = [home_path subject_list{s} '\'];
disp([data_path subject_list{s} '_' filename '.bdf'])
if blocks == 1
%if participants have only 1 block, load only this one file
EEG = pop_biosig([data_path subject_list{s} '_' filename '.bdf']);
for bdf_bl = 1:blocks
%if participants have more than one block, load the blocks in a row
%your files need to have the same name, except for a increasing number at the end (e.g. id#_file_1.bdf id#_file_2)
EEG = pop_biosig([data_path subject_list{s} '_' filename '_' num2str(bdf_bl) '.bdf']);
%since there are more than 1 files, they need to be merged to one big .set file.
EEG = pop_mergeset( ALLEEG, 1:blocks, 0);
%adding info to the EEG structure
EEG.subject = subject_list{s}; %subject ID
%save the bdf as a .set file

EEG = pop_saveset( EEG, 'filename',[subject_list{s} '.set'],'filepath',data_path);
31 changes: 0 additions & 31 deletions src/B_downs_filt.m

This file was deleted.

30 changes: 0 additions & 30 deletions src/C_channelInfo_excludeexterm.m

This file was deleted.

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/C_manual_check.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
% Plotting the raw data to see if there are remaining bad or flat channels
% Created by Douwe Horsthuis last update 5/21/2021
% ------------------------------------------------
subject_list = {'some sort of ID' 'a different id for a different particpant'};
home_path = 'the main folder where you store your data';
for s=1:length(subject_list)
clear bad_chan;
fprintf('\n******\nProcessing subject %s\n******\n\n', subject_list{s});
data_path = [home_path subject_list{s} '\'];
EEG = pop_loadset('filename', [subject_list{s} '_exchn.set'], 'filepath', data_path);
pop_eegplot( EEG, 1, 1, 1);
prompt = 'Delete channels? If yes, input them all as strings inside {}. If none hit enter ';
bad_chan = input(prompt); %
if isempty(bad_chan) ~=1
EEG = pop_select( EEG, 'nochannel',bad_chan);
EEG = pop_saveset( EEG, 'filename',[subject_list{s} '_exchn.set'],'filepath', data_path);
close all
24 changes: 0 additions & 24 deletions src/D_exclud_channels.m

This file was deleted.

117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions src/D_reref_exclextrn_avgref_ica_autoexcom.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
% This scripts allows you to re-reference to any channel including externals
% it deletes the externals
% does an average reference
% uses runica to do an Independent Component Analysis
% uses IClabel to define the eye component
% Deletes these and the components also get printed.
% last edits done on by Douwe 9/7/2021
% ------------------------------------------------

clear variables

% This defines the set of subjects
subject_list = {'some sort of ID' 'a different id for a different particpant'};
% Path to the parent folder, which contains the data folders for all subjects
home_path = 'the main folder where you store all the data';
figure_path = 'the main folder where you store all the ic figures';
components = num2cell(zeros(length(subject_list), 8)); %prealocationg space for speed
refchan = { }; %if you want to re-ref to a channel add the name of the channel here, if empty won't re-ref to any specific channel (for example {'EXG3' 'EXG4'} or {'Cz'})
for s=1:length(subject_list)
fprintf('\n******\nProcessing subject %s\n******\n\n', subject_list{s});
% Path to the folder containing the current subject's data
data_path = [home_path subject_list{s} '\\'];
fprintf('\n\n\n**** %s: Loading dataset ****\n\n\n', subject_list{s});
EEG = pop_loadset('filename', [subject_list{s} '_exchn.set'], 'filepath', data_path);
%re-referencing, if refchan is empty this get's skipped
if isempty(refchan)~=1 %if no re-reference channels chose this gets skipped
for j=1:length(EEG.chanlocs)
if strcmp(refchan{1}, EEG.chanlocs(j).labels)
ref1=j; %stores here the index of the first ref channel
if length(refchan) ==1
EEG = pop_reref( EEG, ref1); % re-reference to the channel if there is only one input)
elseif length(refchan) ==2 %if 2 re-ref channels are chosen it needs to find the second one
for j=1:length(EEG.chanlocs)
if strcmp(refchan{2}, EEG.chanlocs(j).labels)
EEG = pop_reref( EEG, [ref1 ref2]); %re-references to the average of 2 channels
EEG = eeg_checkset( EEG );
%deleting externals
EEG = pop_select( EEG,'nochannel',{'EXG1','EXG2','EXG3','EXG4','EXG5','EXG6','EXG7','EXG8' 'GSR1' 'GSR2' 'Erg1' 'Erg2' 'Resp' 'Plet' 'Temp'});
EEG = pop_saveset( EEG, 'filename',[subject_list{s} '_exext.set'],'filepath', data_path);
%another re-ref to the averages as suggested for the ICA
EEG = pop_reref( EEG, []);
EEG = eeg_checkset( EEG );
EEG = pop_saveset( EEG, 'filename',[subject_list{s} '_ref.set'],'filepath', data_path);
%Independent Component Analysis
EEG = eeg_checkset( EEG );
pca = EEG.nbchan-1; %the PCA part of the ICA needs stops the rank-deficiency
EEG = pop_runica(EEG, 'extended',1,'interupt','on','pca',pca); %using runica function, with the PCA part
EEG = eeg_checkset( EEG );
EEG = pop_saveset( EEG, 'filename',[subject_list{s} '_ica.set'],'filepath', data_path);
%organizing components
clear bad_components brain_ic muscle_ic eye_ic hearth_ic line_noise_ic channel_ic other_ic
EEG = iclabel(EEG); %does ICLable function
ICA_components = EEG.etc.ic_classification.ICLabel.classifications ; %creates a new matrix with ICA components
%Only the eyecomponent will be deleted, thus only components 3 will be put into the 8 component
ICA_components(:,8) = ICA_components(:,3); %row 1 = Brain row 2 = muscle row 3= eye row 4 = Heart Row 5 = Line Noise row 6 = channel noise row 7 = other, combining this makes sure that the component also gets deleted if its a combination of all.
bad_components = find(ICA_components(:,8)>0.80 & ICA_components(:,1)<0.10); %if the new row is over 80% of the component and the component has less the 5% brain
%Still labeling all the other components so they get saved in the end
brain_ic = length(find(ICA_components(:,1)>0.80));
muscle_ic = length(find(ICA_components(:,2)>0.80 & ICA_components(:,1)<0.05));
eye_ic = length(find(ICA_components(:,3)>0.80 & ICA_components(:,1)<0.05));
hearth_ic = length(find(ICA_components(:,4)>0.80 & ICA_components(:,1)<0.05));
line_noise_ic = length(find(ICA_components(:,5)>0.80 & ICA_components(:,1)<0.05));
channel_ic = length(find(ICA_components(:,6)>0.80 & ICA_components(:,1)<0.05));
other_ic = length(find(ICA_components(:,7)>0.80 & ICA_components(:,1)<0.05));
%Plotting all eye componentes and all remaining components
if isempty(bad_components)~= 1 %script would stop if people lack bad components
if ceil(sqrt(length(bad_components))) == 1
pop_topoplot(EEG, 0, [bad_components bad_components] ,subject_list{s} ,0,'electrodes','on');
pop_topoplot(EEG, 0, [bad_components] ,subject_list{s},[ceil(sqrt(length(bad_components))) ceil(sqrt(length(bad_components)))] ,0,'electrodes','on');
print([figure_path subject_list{s} '_Bad_ICs_topos'], '-dpng' ,'-r300');
EEG = pop_subcomp( EEG, [bad_components], 0); %excluding the bad components
close all
else %instead of only plotting bad components it will plot all components
title(subject_list{s}); text( 0.2,0.5, 'there are no eye-components found')
print([figure_path subject_list{s} '_Bad_ICs_topos'], '-dpng' ,'-r300');
pop_topoplot(EEG, 0, 1:size(EEG.icaweights,1) ,subject_list{s},[ceil(sqrt(size(EEG.icaweights,1))) ceil(sqrt(size(EEG.icaweights,1)))] ,0,'electrodes','on');
print([figure_path subject_list{s} '_remaining_ICs_topos'], '-dpng' ,'-r300');
close all
%putting both figures in 1 plot saving it, deleting the other 2.
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1])
if EEG.nbchan<65
imshow([figure_path subject_list{s} '_Bad_ICs_topos.png']);
title('Deleted components')
if EEG.nbchan<65
imshow([figure_path subject_list{s} '_remaining_ICs_topos.png']);
title('Remaining components')
print([figure_path subject_list{s} '_ICs_topos'], '-dpng' ,'-r300');
%deleting two original files
delete([figure_path subject_list{s} '_Bad_ICs_topos.png'])
delete([figure_path subject_list{s} '_remaining_ICs_topos.png'])
close all
EEG = pop_saveset( EEG, 'filename',[subject_list{s} '_excom.set'],'filepath', data_path);%save
subj_comps=[subject_list(s), num2cell(brain_ic), num2cell(muscle_ic), num2cell(eye_ic), num2cell(hearth_ic), num2cell(line_noise_ic), num2cell(channel_ic), num2cell(other_ic)];
save([home_path 'components'], 'components');

40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions src/E_interpolate.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
% this scripts interpolates channels using the _downft.set file and the excom file. It
% creates a matrix with all the previously deleted channels. Created by
% Douwe Horsthuis last update on 6/22/2021
clear variables
close all
subject_list = {'some sort of ID' 'a different id for a different particpant'}; % This defines the set of subjects
name_paradigm = 'name'; % this is needed for saving the table at the end
%participant_info = []; % needed for creating matrix at the end
% Path to the parent folder, which contains the data folders for all subjects
home_path = 'the main folder where you store your data';
participant_badchan = string(zeros(length(subject_list), 2)); %prealocationg space for speed
% Loop through all subjects
for s=1:length(subject_list)
fprintf('\n******\nProcessing subject %s\n******\n\n', subject_list{s});
clear labels_all labels_good lables_del data_subj
% Path to the folder containing the current subject's data
data_path = [home_path subject_list{s} ''];
% Load original dataset
fprintf('\n\n\n**** %s: Loading dataset ****\n\n\n', subject_list{s});
EEG = pop_loadset('filename', [subject_list{s} '_info.set'], 'filepath', data_path);%loading participant file with 64 channels
%deleting externals
EEGinter = pop_select( EEG,'nochannel',{'EXG1','EXG2','EXG3','EXG4','EXG5','EXG6','EXG7','EXG8' 'GSR1' 'GSR2' 'Erg1' 'Erg2' 'Resp' 'Plet' 'Temp'});
labels_all = {EEGinter.chanlocs.labels}.'; %stores all the labels in a new matrix
EEG = pop_loadset('filename', [subject_list{s} '_excom.set'], 'filepath', data_path); %loads latest pre-proc file
labels_good = {EEG.chanlocs.labels}.'; %saves all the channels that are in the excom file
disp(EEG.nbchan); %writes down how many channels are there
EEG = pop_interp(EEG, EEGinter.chanlocs, 'spherical');%interpolates the data
EEG = eeg_checkset( EEG );
EEG = pop_saveset( EEG, 'filename', [subject_list{s} '_inter.set'], 'filepath', data_path); %saves data
disp(EEG.nbchan) %should print 64

%this part saves all the bad channels + ID numbers
lables_del = setdiff(labels_all,labels_good); %only stores the deleted channels
All_bad_chan = strjoin(lables_del); %puts them in one string rather than individual strings
ID = string(subject_list{s});%keeps all the IDs
data_subj = [ID, All_bad_chan]; %combines IDs and Bad channels
participant_badchan(s,:) = data_subj;%combine new data with old data
save([home_path name_paradigm '_participant_interpolation_info'], 'participant_badchan');

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