var | let | const |
Globally scoped | Block scoped | Block scoped |
Can be updated and re-declared | Can be updated but not re-declared | Neither be updated nor be re-declared |
Initialized with undefined |
Not initialized | Not Initialized |
Can be declared without being initialized | Can be declared without being initialized | Must be initialized during declaration |
So for our project, we need mostly const
for constants like view and viewmodels and let for other operational variables in our controller
The name
field is used to identify the textfeild used in the form panel. The value captured in that textfield is stored in that ´name´ field, which is used later for that data processing in the controller.
I think .show()
is not required as Extjs automatically shows the Popup after creating it.
The value
field is to display current/default value and bind.value
is to bind the value from viewModel if availiable.