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DRI Repository Application

This repository contains the Digital Repository of Ireland’s Samvera based application.

There are a number of other dependencies (see below) but at this point you will need to have a functional Rails stack and Java.

For testing and development you will need to bootstrap the project

$ git clone
$ cd dri-app
$ bundle install --without production
$ cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml (and edit as appropriate)
$ cp config/redis.yml.sample config/redis.yml (and edit as appropriate)
$ cp config/solr.yml.sample config/solr.yml (and edit as appropriate)
$ cp config/blacklight.yml.sample config/blacklight.yml (and edit as appropriate)
$ cp config/authorities.yml.sample config/authorities.yml (and edit as appropriate)
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
$ bundle exec rake db:seed

Dont forget to prepare the test database with

$ bundle exec rake db:test:prepare

You may also want to create test organisations (institutions) with

$ bundle exec rake db:seed:add_organisations

You may also need to edit config/settings.yml and/or create config/settings.local.yml

To start the application for demo purposes

$ cd dri-app
$ rake server:start
$ rake server:config
$ gem install foreman
$ bin/dev

The db:seed step above will create 4 initial accounts:

The default password for all 3 accounts is set at install time from the password setting in the settings.yml file. Typically this will be set to “CHANGEME” and it should be updated as soon as possible after installation. To change the password log into the application as each of the default users, navigate to their profile page by clicking on the username at the top of the screen, and clicking on the ‘Edit’ button.

To generate the app docs:

$ bundle exec rake rdoc

There is an exclude filter for api specs in .rspec since api:docs:generate runs those specs anyway. To run api specs:

$ bundle exec rspec spec/api --exclude-pattern ''

To generate the api docs:

$ bundle exec rake api:docs:generate


If you are using Ubuntu or another debian linux distribution

$ sudo apt-get install coreutils libtool libksba8 libxml2 libxslt1.1 automake autoconf openssl curl libreadline8 gettext pkg-config libyaml-dev redis sqlite ffmpeg libgtk2.0-dev imagemagick ghostscript nodejs

There are a few installation options for fits:

  1. Download fits from the harvard website

  2. Use ant to build from source github

You may need to comment out ‘<tool class=“”` in fits/xml/fits.xml as per


This is where the application specific settings are located


Please view and edit this file as needed before deploying the application.

To override settings.yml with local settings please use settings.local.yml.

Configuation of database.yml, solr.yml, blacklight.yml

The configuration files for the application

  • config/database.yml

  • config/solr.yml

  • config/blacklight.yml

are not configured initially. There are some sample configurations in the config directory. These configuration files must be created before development, testing, deployment. The default sample files can be copied into the correct locations for testing and development. It is suggested that these files are not commited to the repository.

Background jobs

The application includes a queueing system based on Resque and Redis to allow asynchronous processing of background jobs. This introduces the following dependencies:

* Redis (server for the queueing system)
* fits (for extracting metadata from a file)
* ffmpeg (video file processing tool)
* imagemagick (image processing)
* Clamav (malware scanning) (production only)

For testing, the file processing tools should be installed locally. See the Dependencies section of this document for more information on installing these and other dependencies.

By default fits should be installed in the directory /opt/local/fits/. The path to the install can be set in the Settings.plugins.fits_path setting in the file config/settings.yml or config/settings.local.yml.

By default ffmpeg should be installed in the directory /opt/local/bin (this can be set by modifying the ffmpeg_path setting in the file config/settings.yml).

For testing purposes Redis can be installed locally and started with the command

$ sudo redis-server /opt/local/etc/redis.conf

The worker queues can be started with the following rake task

$ rake environment resque:work RAILS_ENV=development QUEUE="*" COUNT="2" VERBOSE=1

To view your queues and workers you can visit the path /resque on the web application where resque-web is mounted.

Note that the queuing code is stubbed for the Cucumber tests so you do not need a redis host running in order to run the tests.


ClamAV is only required to be installed in production, but can be installed locally for testing purposes.

To enable virus scanning ClamAV needs to be installed.

$ sudo apt install clamav

You will need to create the configuration file freshclam.conf in /opt/local/etc. There is an example file in /opt/local/etc/example-freshclam.conf. Set the directory for the database files and the log

DatabaseDirectory /opt/local/share/clamav
UpdateLogFile /opt/local/var/log/clamav/freshclam.log

Update the virus database

$ sudo freshclam

Add the gem to the GemFile

gem 'clamby'

Run bundler. Virus scanning should now take place when an asset is uploaded.


Surrogate files are stored using the S3 interface. To create surrogates you will need access to an S3 server. LocalStack can be used for testing purposes. This can be installed using pip:

$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade localstack

You may need to add the local bin dir to your path, if not previously done:

$ export PATH=/home/$USER/.local/bin:$PATH

For tests, where you don’t want files to persist, start the server using:

$ SERVICES=s3:8081 localstack start

The settings should then be modified to the following:

  use_ssl: false
  access_key_id: anything
  secret_access_key: anything


The unit tests are written using rspec and the functional tests are written with cucumber.

To run the unit tests:

$ cd dri-app
$ rake server:start
$ rake server:config
$ bundle exec rails dartsass:build 
$ rake rspec

To run the functional tests:

$ cd dri-app
$ rake server:start
$ rake server:config
$ bundle exec rails dartsass:build
$ rake cucumber or bundle exec cucumber

To run tests in parallel:

Ensure config/database.yml uses database: db/test<%= ENV %>.sqlite3

$ bundle exec rake parallel:create
$ bundle exec rake parallel:prepare
$ bundle exec parallel_rspec spec