It is a very nice compiler (I hope so).
Seriously, Gold Compiler is a JavaScript-based compiler in development, so far. The construction of this compiler is a project of the Compilers discipline of the Computer Engineering course at IFMT.
The construction of Gold Compiler is divided into:
✓ Lexical analysis
✓ Syntax analisys
✓ Semantic analysis
✓ Generation of intermediate code
✓ Final code generation
You will need to have Node.js installed on your machine. After that, open your terminal in the project folder and run:
node gold [options] [] [arguments]
-lt, --listTokens | shows a table that displays each tokens in script |
-ls, --listSyntactic | shows syntax analisys log |
-lse, --listSemantic | shows semantic analisys log |
-lgc, --listLog | shows intemediate code generation log |
-all | shows all compilation tables and logs |
-v, --verbose | shows hidden execution messages |