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How KotlinPlugin Works

Gabriel Souza edited this page Aug 8, 2020 · 3 revisions

The KotlinPlugin is the most important part of the KotlinBukkitAPI, it allows so many things to be possible when writing a GOOD plugin, because it's focus Architecture.

Architecture is the most important thing in any code base, it defines how well your code will be maintained through time. A good architecture and good practices can make your code more boilerplate, KotlinBukkitAPI with KotlinPlugin provide a set of utilities to we build your project the fast as possible and maintain your code as good as possible.


KotlinPlugin adds a possibility to listen to the Lifecycle of your Plugin, this means act to these events outside your Plugin Main.

typealias PluginLifecycleListener = (LifecycleEvent) -> Unit

enum class LifecycleEvent { LOAD, ENABLE, DISABLE, CONFIG_RELOAD }

fun registerKotlinPluginLifecycle(priority: Int = 1, listener: PluginLifecycleListener)

  • Priority Order: High priority loads first and disable lastly
yourPlugin.registerKotlinPlugin(100) {
  when(it) {
    LifecycleEvent.DISABLE -> dispose()
    LifecycleEvent.CONFIG_RELOAD -> reapplyConfigurations()


LifecycleListener is a utility interface to be used in your managers classes, it uses WithPlugin interface, this means that all extesions provided to WithPlugin we will have here.

interface LifecycleListener<T : KotlinPlugin> : PluginLifecycleListener, WithPlugin<T> {
     * Called when the Plugin loads (before the World)
    fun onPluginLoad() {}

     * Called when the Plugin enables and is ready to register events, commands and etc...
    fun onPluginEnable() {}

     * Called when the Plugin disable like: Server Stop,
     * Reload Server or Plugins such Plugman disable the plugin.
    fun onPluginDisable() {}

     * Called when some part of your code calls [KotlinPlugin.reloadConfig]
    fun onConfigReload() {}


class YourManager(override val plugin: YourPlugin) : LifecycleListener<YourPlugin> {
  override fun onPluginEnable() {
  override fun onPluginDisable() {


class YourPlugin : KotlinPlugin() {
  val yourManager = lifecycle(100) { YourManager() }


With the ability to register to the Lifecycle events from your KotlinPlugin, this allows KotlinBukkitAPI to have a set of extensions built in that uses your Plugin lifecycle to auto dispose prevent problems.


KotlinBukkitAPI also provide a Config extension, using it, when you reload your configuration, the lifecycles receive the event. You can learn more about Configuration, in the Configuration Wiki.

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