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Reporting for React - Customize a Web Document Viewer in a React App (Next.js)

This example incorporates the Web Document Viewer into a client-side app built with React. The example consists of two parts:

This project contains code snippets used for client-side customization and reflected in our online help topics. Each code snippet is enclosed in a page.tsx file in a separate folder. After running the project, open the following folders to see the result:

Location Description
/custom-export-to-button Hides the Export Options panel, adds a button to export the report to a file in XLSX format, and specifies the Author export option.
/custom-parameter-lookup-source Populates parameter editors with values obtained on the client.
/customize-export-options Specifies the "|" symbol as a separator for CSV data export, hides specified export options.
/customize-export-toolbar-item Adds a new Image: JPEG item in the Export drop-down menu and binds it to the ExportTo action.
/customize-parameter-editor-options Removes time part from a calendar editor in the Parameters panel.
/export-options-hide-format Removes the XLS format from the Export To drop-down list and from the Export Options panel.
/get-parameters-model Obtains values that the user selects in the multi-value parameter editor.
/get-preview-model Collapses the tab panel when the user clicks Reset in the Parameters tab.
/get-report-preview Sets the report preview's zoom level to 25%.
/goto-next-page Automatically navigates through the document pages.
/on-server-error Logs error details and displays an alert box when a server error occurs.
/open-report Loads the specified report.
/parameters-events Handles report parameter events.
/predefined-date-ranges Removes built-in predefined ranges in the DateTime editor and adds two custom predefined ranges.
/print-document Creates a button that prints the Document Viewer's report.
/property-changes-processing Sets the zoom level to 25%, enables multi-page mode, and indicates the moment when the first page is loaded.
/submit-parameters Passes a parameter to the report and rebuilds the document.

Quick Start


In the ServerSideApp/ServerSideApp folder, run the following command:

dotnet run

The server starts at http://localhost:5000. To debug the server, run the application in Visual Studio.


In the react-document-viewer folder, run the following commands:

npm install
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to view the result. The application displays the Web Document Viewer with the TestReport report.

Document Viewer in JavaScript with React

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