Datasets associated with our study of m6A modified adenoviral mRNAs
Description of files
- The .zip files each contain three text files containing output from the m6A analysis of dRNA-Seq datasets.
M3P1-M3KO1.m6A.botstrand.complete.txt -- output file from analysis of dRNA-Seq reads that align against the bottom strand of the Ad5 genome
M3P1-M3KO1.m6A.topstrand.complete.txt -- output file from analysis of dRNA-Seq reads that align against the top strand of the Ad5 genome
M3P1-M3KO1.m6A.transcripts.complete.txt -- output file from analysis of dRNA-Seq reads that align against Ad5 encoded polyadenylated RNAs
Note that the context of the comparison is described in the filename. e.g. the comparison between Ad5-infected A549 cells (parent) biorep #1 and Ad5-infected A549 cells (METTL3 k.o.) biorep #1 is described as M3P1-M3KO1
The .bedgraph files are generated in a stranded manner from dRNA-Seq datasets aligned against the Ad5 genome (i.e. one file per strand) with 'forward' denoting the top strand and 'reverse' denoting the bottom strand
The file contains bedgraph files generated from aligning (Illumina short-read) meRIP-Seq data against the Ad5 adenovirus genome. Three biological replicates for each condition (input / meRIP) are included for virus-infected and mock-infected samples.