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Version 1 to 2 Project Transfer Guide

Deijin27 edited this page Oct 3, 2021 · 2 revisions

This guide covers how to move existing projects you have in RanseiLink version 1

In version 2 you can have more than one project, referred to as "mods".

To move your existing project in version 0.1.0, do as follows:

  1. Open RanseiLink 0.1.0
  2. Commit your changes to an blank copy of the rom
  3. Open RanseiLink 0.2.0
  4. Click "Create Mod". It will ask you for a rom to use as a base for the mod. Provide it with the rom that you committed to in step 2.
  5. Continue with creating the mod. The result will have the changes from your version 0.1.0 project.