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Welcome to a hands-on example for Implementing Ed-Fi on Azure

Using Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure SQL Database, and Azure Databricks

The datasets and table definitions were provided by Ed-Fi the Ed-Fi Data Standard and the Ed-Fi Alliance



To deploy the Azure resources required for this example, you will need:

  1. An Azure account

    Note: If you don't have an account you can create your free Azure account here

  2. Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer

  3. Microsoft Azure Data Studio

  4. Clone this GitHub repository using Git and the following commands:

    git clone

Note that you will be deploying a number of Azure resources into your Azure Subscription when either clicking on the Deploy to Azure button below, or by alternatively deploying by using an ARM template and parameters file via the Azure CLI.

Choices for Provisioning

You can provision using the Deploy to Azure button below or by using the Azure CLI.

Provisioning using the Azure Portal

Choose your Subscription, and enter a Resource group, Location, Resource Prefix (Short Prefix of 10 characters or less for all resources created by this template so they are unique - gloabally unique in the case of some services like storage), SQL Server Username, SQL Server Password, and agree to the Terms and Conditions. Then click the Purchase button.


When the Deployment completes you will receive a notification in the Azure Portal. Click the Go to resource group button.


After you open the resource group in the Azure portal you should see these deployed resources


Or (Alternatively) Provisioning using the Azure CLI

  1. Download and install the Azure CLI Installer (MSI) for Windows or Azure CLI for Mac or Linux . Once the installation is complete open the command prompt and run az login, then copy the access code returned. In a browser, open a private tab and enter the URL When prompted, paste in the access code from above. You will be prompted to authenticate using our Azure account. Go through the appropriate multifaction authenication.

  2. Navigate to the folder Ed-Fi-Azure\setup If using Windows Explorer you can launch the command prompt by going to the address bar and typing cmd (for the Windows command prompt) or bash (for the Linux command prompt assuming it is installed already) and type az --version to check the installation. Look for the parameters-edfiazure.json file you cloned during the Prerequisites above. It will look like this. Make changes to the resourcePrefix (max of 9 characters - used to make services like storage accounts globally unique so if you want multiple versions of this deployed assign different resourcePrefixs), sqlServerUsername, and sqlServerPassword and save prior to running the ARM Template via the CLI

  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
     "resourcePrefix": {"value" : "edfi"},
     "sqlServerUsername": { "value" : "dbuser" },
     "sqlServerPassword": { "value" : "EdFiAzure2020!" }
  1. When you logged in to the CLI in step 1 above you will see a json list of all the Azure account you have access to.
  • Run az account show to see you current active account.
  • Run az account list -o table if you want to see all of you Azure account in a table.
  • If you would like to switch to another Azure account run az account set --subscription <your SubscriptionId> to set the active subcription.
  • Run az group create -n edfiazure -l westus to create a resource group called edfiazure.
  1. Next run the following command to provision the Azure resources:
az deployment group create --resource-group edfiazure --template-file azureclideploy.json --parameters @parameters-edfiazure.json

Once the provisioning is finished, we can run az resource list -g edfiazure -o table to check what resources were launched. Our listed resources includes:

  • Data Factory
  • SQL database
  • SQL Server
  • Databricks workspace
  • ADLS Storage account

Issues deploying ARM Template on Azure

Note: If you encounter issues with resources please check by running the following commands in the Azure CLI (Note more information on using the CLI is found in the Provisioning using the Azure CLI section below):

az login

az account show

az account list-locations

az provider show --namespace Microsoft.Databricks --query "resourceTypes[?resourceType=='workspaces'].locations | [0]" --out table

Copy the TeacherCandidate csv file to Storage

Copy teacherCandidate.csv to Azure Storage. Create a container named data and a folder named input. Click Upload and upload teacherCandidate.csv from the Ed-Fi-Azure/datasource folder where you cloned the GitHub Repository.


Create database schemas and tables in Azure SQL Database

Create schemas and tables in Azure SQL Database.

  1. Connect to the Azure SQL Database created during the deployment. You can find the Server name on the Overview area for the database. In my case the Server name is


Open up Azure Data Studio (available on Linux, Mac, and Windows) or SQL Server Management Studio (Windows Only) and create a connection.


  1. Run the following 3 DDL (Data Definition Language) queries located at Ed-Fi-Azure/sql from the Git Clone to create tables and insert data:
  • tpdmTeacherCandidate.sql (No Data - this is the target sink for the ADF dataflow)
  • edfiDescriptor.sql
  • edfiDescriptorTypes.sql


When you are finished you should have the following Tables


Use Azure Data Factory Data Flow and Pipeline to prepare and load data

Use Azure Data Factory Data Flow and Pipeline to prepare and load data.

Click on Author & Monitor


Click on Create pipeline from template under Let's get started


Click on Use local template


Navigate to the file and click Open


Create User inputs for your ADLS Storage and Aure SQL Database Linked Services


Storage. Click Create


Database. Click Create


Click Use this template


Your ADF Data flow should look like this. You can now publish it, debug, and trigger the pipeline to run


If you want to learn how to trigger an ADF pipeline click HERE

You can use Trigger nowversus scheduling it.

Hope you enjoyed this example.


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