** SUITABLE FOR DOCTORs/PHYSICIANs that operate in Greece (Invoice type: category1_3-E3_561_003) **
** TODO: In Windows OS's it crashes due to Socket connection and encoding errors. HELP to fix is wellcome.
Suitable for DOCTORs-PHYSICIANs that operate in Greece (Invoice type: category1_3-E3_561_003).
uses the myDATA REST API as published here, either in testing or production mode (needs editing the file)
Supports: sending (one-by-one), retrieval, canceling and printing (sent or not sent) of Invoices
- 'isTesting' = 0 (testing) | 1 (production)
- your 'USERNAME' and 'KEY(s)' as registered in myDATA server
- 'BRANCHES' dictionary: branch(es) information and number as registered in TAXIS and their address
- Python
- compatible with v3.x
- no external dependencies needed (only core packages)
- tested in Linux Arch
- HTML/Javascript
- The Production Server of myDATA (mydatapi.aade.gr/myDATA) does not support the CORS protocol, so the script hits an Access-Control-Allow-Origin block. When programmers are public servants...
Windows bug(s), as described
CORS block, as described