Device Manage is a device management service developed in Go.
It provides efficient functions for device status updates and metadata management.
The project is currently divided into two implementations, Legacy and Enhance.
Legacy is based on MySQL and Enhance is based on MongoDB.
Device status data is time series data, which is stored in flat tables in MySQL and time series collections in MongoDB.
Each implementation provides Http service and processor service to provide REST API access to the outside world.
You can write your own code to call these interfaces.
Go Environment: Ensure Go (version 1.18 or later) is installed.
Database Support: Install one of the following databases:
MySQL: No specific requirements, Just Mysql instance with a connection url.
MongoDB: Recommended version 5.0 or above(With ts collection supported) , and instance with a connection url.
ETCD: These services depend on etcd service, so make sure etcd is installed and started
git clone
cd device-manage
You need to create all table structures in the mysql instance.
Create table script as below:
You can find the data model in file:
You need to create Collections in the MongoDB instance or run generate/* APIs to generate collection Automatically.
You can find the data model in file:
Create Vector Index in MongoDB So you can use vector search later in the enhanced demo.
"fields": [
"numDimensions": 600,
"path": "vector_euclidean_distance",
"similarity": "euclidean",
"type": "vector"
"fields": [
"numDimensions": 600,
"path": "vector_angle",
"similarity": "cosine",
"type": "vector"
- Update Legacy processor service config file Location: legacy/processor/etc/processor.yaml
Name: processor.rpc
Key: processor.rpc
DataSource: "root:123456@tcp(localhost:3306)/device?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
- Update Legacy http service config file Location: legacy/http/etc/http-api.yaml
Name: http-api
Port: 8888
DataSource: "root:123456@tcp(localhost:3306)/device?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
Etcd: ""
Processor: "processor.rpc"
- Update enhanced processor service config file Location: enhanced/processor/etc/processor.yaml
Name: processor.rpc
Key: processor.rpc
DataSource: "mongodb+srv://admin:[email protected]/"
- Update enhanced http service config file Location: enhanced/http/etc/http-api.yaml
Name: http-api
Port: 8888
DataSource: "root:123456@tcp(localhost:3306)/device?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
Etcd: ""
Processor: "processor.rpc"
- Build the Legacy Processor
go build -o legacy-processor legacy/processor/processor.go
- Run the Processor Service
- Build the http Open another shell tab and run:
go build -o legacy-http legacy/http/http.go
- Run the Processor Service
- Build the Processor
go build -o enhanced-processor enhanced/processor/processor.go
- Run the Processor Service
- Build the http Open another shell tab and run:
go build -o enhanced-http enhanced/http/http.go
- Run the Processor Service
Both Legacy and Enhanced provide services through http API. For service interfaces, please refer to
You can write some demo code to call these interfaces.
It is best if you can call the /generate/* APIs first to generate some sample data and then call other APIs.
The API of Enhanced as below:
service http-api {
@handler GetMetadataHandler
get /metadata (GetMetadataRequest) returns (GetMetadataResponse) // Get metadata by SN
@handler UpdateMetadataHandler
post /metadata (UpdateMetadataRequest) returns (UpdateMetadataResponse) // Update metadata by SN
@handler GetMetricsHandler
get /metrics (GetMetricsRequest) returns (GetMetricsResponse) // Get device metrics
@handler GenerateDemoMetadataHandler
get /generate/metadata (GenerateDemoMetadataReq) returns (GenerateDemoMetadataResp) // DEMO use
@handler RandomUpdateMetadataHandler
post /update/metadata (UpdateMetadataReq) returns (UpdateMetadataResp) // Benchmark use
@handler GetRandomUpdateResultHandler
get /update/result (GetUpdateResultReq) returns (GetUpdateResultResp) // Benchmark use
@handler GenerateDemoDeviceDataHandler
get /generate/devicedata (GenerateDemoDeviceDataReq) returns (GenerateDemoDeviceDataResp) // DEMO use
@handler GenerateDeviceVectorDataHandler
get /generate/vector (GenerateDeviceVectorDataReq) returns (GenerateDeviceVectorDataResp) // Using camera rotation to generate device vector data
@handler SearchBadDeviceHandler
get /search/vector (SearchBadDeviceReq) returns (SearchBadDeviceResp) // Search bad device by Atlas MongoDB Vector Search