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h5flow modules and scripts for the DUNE near detector and prototypes

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First, download this code:

git clone

venv method (recommended)

Create and activate a virtual environment:

python -m venv ndlar_flow.venv
source ndlar_flow.venv/bin/activate

Install the h5flow framework:

git clone
cd h5flow
pip install -e .
cd ..

Finally, install ndlar_flow:

cd ndlar_flow
pip install -e .

Note that the -e option installs the packages in "editable" mode, meaning any changes you make will take effect without the need to re-run pip install.

The next section describes the older setup procedure based on conda. The comments regarding MPI are historical; h5flow's MPI support is slated to be removed in the future.

conda method (deprecated)

To install proper dependencies, use the provided conda environment file env.yaml:

conda env create -f env.yaml -n <environment name>
conda activate <environment>

To update an existing environment:

conda env update -f env.yaml -n <environment name>

If MPI is not available, you may use the alternative environment file (env-nompi.yaml) that does not install parallel-HDF5. The ndlar_flow code is built off of h5flow [], so you will also need to install this in order to run any of the workflows described here.

To install:

pip install .


There is no "executable" for ndlar_flow, instead, it uses h5flow workflow yaml files and one of the entry points to h5flow: python -m h5flow -c ..., -c ..., or h5flow -c .... When this is run, it will set up a loop using the yaml file and following the h5flow specification, namely, a loop dataset, a series of "stages" to run on that dataset, and a set of "resources" to make available to each stage. h5flow handles the instantiation of python objects, the access to the data file, and the workflow sequencing, while ndlar_flow provides workflow descriptions (under yamls/proto_nd_flow/workflows/), module configurations (under yamls/proto_ndflow/{reco,resources,...}), and the source code for each module for those workflows (under src/proto_nd_flow/). The intention behind using h5flow and separating the reconstruction and calibration into modules is to allow for:

  1. flexibility - a purely modular workflow has better separation of code which enables easier collaboration between multiple developers and can allow for code reuse by making modules generic and re-usable for different purposes.
  2. portability - the only dependency for reading h5flow files is HDF5 which makes interfacing with ndlar_flow files easier, module-wise versioning makes developers think about compatiblitity early and often, and module-wise persistency makes adding new data objects easier and often with no reprocessing of data
  3. incrementalism - intermediate data objects can be saved and built upon, so development can occur from any intermediate step and data processing can be checkpointed at any stage.

That is the intention at any rate - if you have questions/comments/suggestions for improvement, please feel welcome to open an issue at [] :)

There is a tutorial repo at [] that should help you get started, but below are the basic building blocks for ndlar_flow:

The ndlar_flow reconstruction chain breaks up the reconstruction into the following steps for each component of the reconstruction. For charge-only reconstruction, there are two workflows:

  1. charge_event_building.yaml
  2. charge_event_reconstruction.yaml

which are run in sequence. For light-only reconstruction, there are corresponding workflows:

  1. light_event_building_mpd.yaml (and light_event_building_mc.yaml)
  2. light_event_recontruction.yaml

Finally, to perform the combined reconstruction using information from both sub-systems, first generate the list of associations between the detectors using charge_to_light_association.yaml. Then run the reconstruction with combined_reconstruction.yaml.

charge event building

To run charge event builder:

h5flow -c yamls/proto_nd_flow/workflows/charge/charge_event_building.yaml \
    -i <input file> -o <output file>

This generates the charge/raw_events and charge/packets datasets. The input file is a "datalog"- (a.k.a "packet"-) formatted LArPix data file. This workflow step is the same for data and simulation.

charge event reconstruction

To run charge reconstruction:

h5flow -c yamls/proto_nd_flow/workflows/charge/charge_event_reconstruction.yaml \
    -i <input file> -o <output file>

This generates charge/packets_corr_ts, charge/ext_trigs, charge/hits, and charge/events datasets. The input file is a charge event built proto_flow file.

light event building

To run light event builder on data:

h5flow -c yamls/proto_nd_flow/workflows/light/light_event_building_adc64.yaml \
    -i <input file> -o <output file>

This generates the light/events and light/wvfm datasets. The input file is a raw ADC64-formatted .data file.

To run light event builder on simulation:

h5flow -c yamls/proto_nd_flow/workflows/light/light_event_building_adcmc.yaml \
    -i <input file> -o <output file>

This generates the same light/events and light/wvfm datasets as the data, but the input file is a larnd-sim HDF5 file.

light event reconstruction

To run light reconstruction:

h5flow -c yamls/proto_nd_flow/workflows/light/light_event_reconstruction.yaml \
    -i <input file> -o <output file>

This generates light/t_ns and light/hits datasets. The input file is a light event built ndlar_flow file. The light event reconstruction also removes raw waveforms from the file.

charge-to-light association

To associate charge events to light events, run:

h5flow -c yamls/proto_nd_flow/workflows/charge/charge_light_association.yaml \
    -i <input file> -o <output file>

This creates references between charge/ext_trigs and light/events as well as charge/events and light/events. Both charge and light reconstructed events are expected in the input file, which can be facilitated by running both charge and light reconstruction flows on the same output file or by using the h5copy hdf5 tool:

# copy light data from a source file
h5copy -v -f ref -s light -d light -i <light event file> \
    -o <destination file>

# copy charge data from a source file
h5copy -v -f ref -s charge -d charge -i <charge event file> \
    -o <destination file>

merged event reconstruction

To generate T0s and tracks, run:

h5flow -c yamls/proto_nd_flow/workflows/combined/combined_reconstruction.yaml \
    -i <input file> -o <output file>

minimal staging

Running these commands one after the other can be tedious, but with h5flow version 0.1.8, you can combine them into only two commands:

output_file=<output file>

h5flow -c \
    yamls/ndlar_flow/workflows/light/light_event_building_adc64.yaml \
    yamls/ndlar_flow/workflows/light/light_event_reconstruction.yaml \
    -i <input light file> \
    -o $output_file

h5flow -c \
    yamls/ndlar_flow/workflows/charge/charge_event_building.yaml \
    yamls/ndlar_flow/workflows/charge/charge_event_reconstruction.yaml \
    yamls/ndlar_flow/workflows/charge/charge_light_association.yaml \
    yamls/ndlar_flow/workflows/combined/combined_reconstruction.yaml \
    -i <input charge file> \
    -o $output_file

file structure and access

Let's walk through an example of how to access and use the hdf5 file format containing both light and charge data using two different approaches: the first is much more verbose, but is more flexible, while the second requires minimal code, but has some limitations. As an example, we will perform a mock analysis to compare the light system waveform integrals to the larpix charge sum.

So let's start with the first approach, we'll open up the file using h5py:

import h5py
f = h5py.File('<example file>.h5','r')

And list the available datasets using visititems, which will call a specific function on all datasets and groups within the file. In particular, let's have it print out all available datasets:

my_func = lambda name,dset : print(name) if isinstance(dset, h5py.Dataset) \
    else None

This will print out quite a number of things, but you'll notice three different types of paths:

  1. paths that end in .../data
  2. paths that end in .../ref
  3. paths that end in .../ref_region

The first contain the primitive data for that particular object as a 1D structured array, so for our example we want to access the charge sum for each event. So first, let's check what fields are available in the 'charge/events/data' dataset:


And then we can access the data by the field name:

charge_qsum = f['charge/events/data']['q']
print(charge_qsum.shape, charge_qsum.dtype)

The second type of path (ending in .../ref) contain bi-directional references between two datasets. In particular, the paths to these datasets are structured like <parent dataset name>/ref/<child dataset name>/ref. Each entry in the .../ref dataset corresponds to a single link between the parent and child datasets:

# returns something like [1, 2]

By convention, the first value corresponds to the index into the charge/events/data dataset and the second value corresponds to the index into the light/events/data dataset. To use, you can directly pass these references as indices into the corresponding datasets:

ref = f['charge/events/ref/light/events/ref'][0]
# get the first charge event that has a light event associated with it
# get the light event associated with the first charge event

You could loop over these references and load the rows of the dataset in that way, but it would be very slow. Instead, h5flow offers a helper function (dereference) to load references:

from import dereference

# reference dataset you want to use
ref = f['charge/events/ref/light/events/ref']
# data you want to load
dset = f['light/events/data']
# parent indices you want to use (i.e. event id 0)
sel = 0

# this will load *ALL* the references
# and then find the data related to your selection
data = dereference(sel, ref, dset)

# other selections are possible, either slices or iterables
dereference(slice(0,100), ref, dset)
dereference([0,1,2,3,1,0], ref, dset)

Data is loaded as a numpy masked array with shape (len(sel), max_ref). So if there are only up to 5 light events associated any of the 100 charge events we wanted before:

print(data.shape, data.dtype) # e.g. (100, 5)

The first dimension corresponds to our charge event selection and the second dimension corresponds to the light event(s) that are associated with a given charge event.

We can also load references with the opposite orientation (e.g. light/events -> charge/events), by using the ref_direction argument:

# we use the same reference dataset as before
ref = f['charge/events/ref/light/events/ref']
# but now we load from the charge dataset
dset = f['charge/events/data']
# and the parent indices correspond to positions within the light events
sel = 0 # get charge events associated with the first light event

# to load, we modify the reference direction from (0,1) [default] to (1,0)
# since we want to use the second index of the ref dset as the "parent" and
# the first index as the "child"
data = dereference(sel, ref, dset, ref_direction=(1,0))
print(data.shape, data.dtype)

Loading references can take some time if you have a very large reference dataset (>50k). To speed things up, we can can use the ../ref_region datasets to find out where in the reference dataset we need to look for each item. In particular, this dataset provides a 'start' and 'stop' index for each item:

# get the bounds for where the first charge event references exist within
# the ref dataset
sel = 0
region = f['charge/events/ref/light/events/ref_region'][sel]

# the first index in ref that is associated with charge event 0
# the last index + 1 in ref that is associated with charge event 0

# gets all references that *might* be associated with charge event 0
ref = f['charge/events/ref/light/events/ref'][region['start']:region['stop']]

You can use this dataset with the helper function to load referred data in an efficient way (this is the recommended approach):

sel = 0
ref = f['charge/events/ref/light/events/ref']
dset = f['light/events/data']

region = f['charge/events/ref/light/events/ref_region']

# this will load only necessary references and then find the data related
# to your selection
data = dereference(sel, ref, dset, region=region)

For datasets with a trivial 1:1 relationship (light/events/data and light/wvfm/data in this case), you can directly use the references for one of the datasets for any of the others:

light_events = dereference(sel, ref, f['light/events/data'], region=region)
light_wvfms = dereference(sel, ref, f['light/wvfm/data'], region=region)

Now that we have both the event information and the waveform data, we can compare the charge sum of an event to the integral of the raw waveforms:

import as ma # use masked arrays

# we'll only look at a events 0-1000 since the raw waveforms will use a
# lot of memory
sel = slice(0,1000)

# first get the data
ref = f['charge/events/ref/light/events/ref']
dset = f['light/events/data']
region = f['charge/events/ref/light/events/ref_region']

charge_events = f['charge/events/data'][sel]
light_events = dereference(sel, ref, f['light/events/data'], region=region)
light_wvfms = dereference(sel, ref, f['light/wvfm/data'], region=region)


# now apply a channel mask to the waveforms to ignore certain channels
# and waveforms
valid_wvfm = light_events['wvfm_valid'].astype(bool)
# (event index, light event index, adc index, channel index)
channel_mask = np.zeros_like(valid_wvfm)
sipm_channels = np.array(
    [2,3,4,5,6,7] + [18,19,20,21,22,23] + [34,35,36,37,38,39] + \
    [50,51,52,53,54,55] + \
    [9,10,11,12,13,14] + [25,26,27,28,29,30] + [41,42,43,44,45,46] + \
channel_mask[:,:,:,sipm_channels] = True

samples = light_wvfms['samples']
# (event index, light event index, adc index, channel index, sample index)
# numpy masked arrays use the mask convention: True == invalid
samples.mask = samples.mask | np.expand_dims(~channel_mask,-1) | \

# now we can subtract the pedestals (using the mean of the first 50 samples)
samples = samples.astype(float) - samples[...,:50].mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True)

# and we can integrate over each of the dimensions:
# axis 4 = integral over waveform, axis 3 = sum over valid channels,
# axis 2 = sum over valid adcs, axis 1 = sum over light events associated
#          to a charge event
light_integrals = samples.sum(axis=4).sum(axis=3).sum(axis=2).sum(axis=1)

# we can either create a mask for only the valid entries (i.e. the charge-
# to-light association exists)
valid_event_mask = ~light_integrals.mask
# or we can zero out the invalid entries (beware: this will update the
# light_integral.mask to indicate that these are now valid entries)
light_integrals[light_integrals.mask] = 0.

And we plot the correlation between the charge and light systems:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.hist2d(charge_qsum[valid_event_mask], light_integrals[valid_event_mask],
plt.xlabel('Charge sum [mV]')
plt.ylabel('Light integral [ADC]')

h5flow also has the capability of traversing multiple references using the dereference_chain helper function. I will leave it to you to visit the h5flow docs and to play around with this functionality.

Ok, so that's how to access data using the verbose and flexible approach. Now let's do it the quick and easy way.

We'll use an H5FlowDataManager object to help:

from import H5FlowDataManager
dm = H5FlowDataManager('<input file>', 'r', mpi=False)

This object has built-in smart reference traversal via the __getitem__ special method. If one argument is specified, it acts as a pass-through to an underlying h5py.File:

dm['light/events/data'] # get the light events dataset
dm['light/events'] # get the light events group
dm['light/events'].attrs # get light event attributes

But when using multiple arguments, it will load references:

# again lets get the first 1000 charge events
charge_events = dm['charge/events', sel]
# (event index,)

# and now we use the fancy access method
light_events = dm['charge/events','light/events',sel]
# (event index, light event index)

# and we can also get the waveforms, but only if the light/events -> light/wvfm references exist
light_wvfm = dm['charge/events','light/events','light/wvfm',sel]
# (event index, light event index, light waveform index)

That's certainly much cleaner! But in this case, you are limited in only traversing references that are explicitly defined so references can't do double duty for multiple datasets. You also are not able to just load the reference index by itself. So, this approach might not be suited for every situation.

There is also a plotting script at scripts/ which will generate a map of all of the references included in the file. You will need networkx installed in order to run this. Run with:

python scripts/ <file>

And that concludes the intro into the data access!

For more details on what different fields in the datatypes mean, look at the module-specific documentation. For more details on how to use the dereferencing schema, look at the h5flow documentation [].