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Integration tests
tar file with integration test scripts
Download a copy of the FELIX firmware here.
Note, to get the 10 link build with the TPG firmware download the file starting with flx712-dune-ipbus-pod-10hf
To program the FELIX card, you can use Vivado if you have not setup a dunedaq envirnomnent (see below), otherwise, you can use the low level tool fflashprog
to flash the correct partition on the card. Each method uses a different file type, both of which are provided in the download.
To program with Vivado, you need to ensure you have X-11 forwarding or a VNC if you are connecting to the machine remotely, a copy of the .bit file of the firmware and can run as sudo
or root
on the machine you are working on. Run vivado:
and a GUI should appear, under Tasks select the option "Open Hardware Manager", then "tools" -> "open new target". This will open a window where you can connect to hardware locally or via a remote server. Assuming this is the machine with the FELIX card installed connect to local server and in the next window look for a hardware device (bottom table) with the device name including xkcu115
. Click next then finish. You should see the device appear on the hardware tab on the left. Now click "tools" -> "program device" -> "xkcu115" and then specify the bitstream (.bit) file and click program. I the programming worked then you should see no errors in the tcl console (some warnings may appear but can be ingored), and now you can close vivado and reboot the machine with the FELIX card:
sudo reboot
To program with fflashprog
ensure you have a copy of the .mcs file of the firmware, already have a working dunedaq environment or a copy of the low level tools and can run as sudo
or root
on the machine you are working on. Then run the commands:
fflashprog -c 0 -f 3 <.mcs file to program> prog
to program the FELIX card (card number denoted by -c
). Then to check if the firmware is programmed with the correct firmware:
fflashprog -c 0 -f 3 <.mcs file to program>
Finally reboot the machine with the FELIX card:
sudo reboot
Note, the -f command indicates which partition to program, if programming on partition 3 doesn't work, run flx-info
to get the correct partition number or program the card using vivado.
To install drivers for the FELIX card follow the instructions to setup local drivers:
Ensure the FELIX is programmed, the first check is to enable and get the status of the drivers:
sudo <location of local drivers>/drivers_flx start
sudo <location of local drivers>/drivers_flx status
if you see the following output after starting the drivers:
Starting cmem driver
major number for cmem_rcc is 238
Starting io_rcc driver
major number for io_rcc is 237
2 flx PCIe endpoints found
Starting flx driver
major number for flx is 236
creating node /dev/flx0
creating node /dev/flx1
then it has successfully worked; if you see errors, then reboot the machine and try again.
Note you can ignore error messages about regmap version mismatches
To check if you have programmed the correct file, check the git tag of the firmware with the following command(from the dune-daq environment):
dtpbutler.py -v flx-0-p2-hf
This will result into:
which is the tag information for FW v3.0.0
First, ensure you have set up a dunedaq environment, following these instructions: https://dune-daq-sw.readthedocs.io/en/latest/packages/daq-buildtools/#running-a-release-from-cvmfs
Clone dtp-patterns in your working directory, a repository containing fake data patterns to test with the FELIX:
git clone ssh://[email protected]:7999/dune-daq/readout/dtp-patterns.git
To test hitfinding with the appropriate firmware, dtp-controls
and wupper-toybox
are needed to control the TPG (Note wupper-toybox
to be replaced with DUNE-DAQ/uhallibs
In your sourcecode
directory, clone wupper-toybox
git clone ssh://[email protected]:7999/dune-daq/readout/wupper-toybox.git
and make a clean build of the dunedaq software:
dbt-build.sh -c
Next, clone dtp-controls
in the working directory:
git clone ssh://[email protected]:7999/dune-daq/readout/dtp-controls.git -b aearle/felixSupport
to begin using dtp-controls
source dtp-controls/env.sh
Each time you open a new session, alongside setting up the dunedaq environment you must also setup dtp-controls
, so the full set of startup commands are:
source /cvmfs/dunedaq.opensciencegrid.org/setup_dunedaq.sh
setup_dbt dunedaq-v2.8.2
source dtp-controls/env.sh
run the bash script:
which will test the capability to reset the state of the FELIX, monitor optical links and configuring the card e.g. enabling elinks.
run the bash script:
which will configure the card to play data from the internal emulator on the ADC links. this will run the fdaq command for each SLR. If the test is successful you should see a non-zero data rate received by the FELIX.
to test receiving data over optical links you need to first run the following command:
then in a second terminal you must enable the front end device to play data (include zcu102 instructions here?). If the test is successful you should see a non-zero data rate once the front end device is configured.
First run on a SLR 0 and 1 separately:
This will run fdaq
, then configure the firmware TPG with hfButler.py
and then spy on the link processors. if successful you should see the link processor state change over time for ~60s. After 60s the page will stop updating and you can safely kill the process (ctrl-C). Note you will also get an output file which logs the output of fdaq
, as well as a binary file with the dumped TP's processed by the card.
Now run with both SLR's simultaneously:
This will run fdaq
for each SLR for 60s and as before a log file plus binary file of dumped tp's are produced.
Run the bash script
this will configure the card to play data from the internal emulator, run fdaq
then configure the hitfinding tpg in gbt mode i.e. process data from elinks. The outputs of fdaq are stored in log files. if successful you should see the data rate increase twice, once when the adc data is received and then again when the tpg is configured.
First run the bash script
then configure the front end to produce data. now in another terminal run the bash script:
which will configure the hitfinding tpg to process data from the elinks. this will produce an output file for each fdaq
run and if you want to monitor the link processors of the tpg then run set_gbt.sh
with these arguements instead:
./set_gbt.sh watch-0 # watch processor on SLR 0
./set_gbt.sh watch-1 # watch processor on SLR 1
to correctly generate the configurations in dunedaq-v2.11.0, the develop branch of flxlibs is required:
cd sourcecode
git clone https://github.com/DUNE-DAQ/flxlibs.git
cd ..
to generate a 10 ADC link configuration run the following command:
python -m flxlibs.app_confgen -n 10 -t 0 -m "0-4:0-4" -e -E app_flx_10.json
where -e
enables generation of fake timestamps when using fake data patterns and -E
enables the internal emulator.
Then run the following:
daq_application -c stdin://app_flx_10.json -n test_emu
once in the daq_application run the commands:
init conf start
and you should see dataflow on the datalinkhandlers. the key is to look for non-zero values in the following flags:
and the following should be zero if there is no errors
Note that during the start of dataflow some errors can occur, but this is due to data being readout between the start and end of a chunk. After ~10s the window should update and show no errors.
To stop the test run the following:
then exit the program with Ctrl-D then Ctrl-C.
run the following command:
python -m flxlibs.app_confgen -n 10 -t 0 -m "0-4:0-4" -e app_flx_10.json
which prevents the internal emulator from running. Then run the following:
femu -d 0 -n
femu -d 1 -n
daq_application -c stdin://app_flx_10.json -n test_fe
once in the daq_application run the commands:
init conf start
and here you should see no dataflow on any link handlers. Now configure the front end device to send data along the optical fibers and you should see the link handler information update similar to the previous test.
To stop the test run the following:
then exit the program with Ctrl-D then Ctrl-C.
run the following command:
python -m flxlibs.app_confgen -n 0 -t 2 -m "5:5" -e app_flx_2.json
run the daq_app as before:
femu -d 0 -n
femu -d 1 -n
daq_application -c stdin://app_flx_2.json -n test_wib
init conf start
and then enable the wibulator in another terminal:
and you can spy on the link processors by adding either watch-0
or watch-1
as an argument.
if successful you should see dataflow on the two link handlers.
To stop the test run the following:
then exit the program with Ctrl-D then Ctrl-C.
run the following command:
python -m flxlibs.app_confgen -n 10 -t 2 -m "0-5:0-5" -e -E app_flx_12.json
run the daq_app as before:
daq_application -c stdin://app_flx_12.json -n test_emu
init conf start
now enable the hitfinding TPG in GBT mode:
and you should see dataflow on link handlers 5 and 11. Note the TP links which have a smaller data rate than the adc links.
To stop the test run the following:
then exit the program with Ctrl-D then Ctrl-C.
run the following command:
python -m flxlibs.app_confgen -n 10 -t 2 -m "0-5:0-5" -e app_flx_12.json
run the daq_app as before:
femu -d 0 -n
femu -d 1 -n
daq_application -c stdin://app_flx_12.json -n test_fe
init conf start
Next configure the front end to send data. Once done the adc links should have non zero data rates.
Now enable the hitfinding TPG in GBT mode:
and you should see dataflow on link handlers 5 and 11.
To stop the test run the following:
then exit the program with Ctrl-D then Ctrl-C.