A simple datetime picker implementation using Java Swing, built with the flatlaf
UI library and miglayout
for layout management.
This project provides a datetime picker component that can be easily integrated into Java Swing applications. It leverages flatlaf for a modern look and miglayout for flexible and easy-to-use layout management.
Add the dependency
To get the latest updates before the release, you can use the snapshot version from Sonatype OSS Snapshots
Add the snapshot version
Method | Return Value | Description |
now() | set the time to current local time | |
setSelectedTime(LocalTime time) | set the time to a specific value | |
clearSelectedTime() | clear the selected time | |
isTimeSelected() | boolean |
check time is selected |
getSelectedTime() | LocalTime |
return the selected time |
getSelectedTimeAsString() | String |
return selected time as string |
addTimeSelectionListener(TimeSelectionListener event) | add event time selection | |
removeTimeSelectionListener(TimeSelectionListener event) | remove event time selection | |
setOrientation(int orientation) | SwingConstants.VERTICAL or SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL |
setEditor(JFormattedTextField editor) | disply the selected time on the editor and allow to edit time | |
setTimeSelectionAble(TimeSelectionAble dsb) | set time selection able | |
set24HourView(boolean hour24) | set time to 24h selection view | |
is24HourView() | boolean |
return ture is 24h selection view |
showPopup() | if time have editor, timepicker will show up with popup menu | |
closePopup() | close editor popup | |
setColor(Color color) | change base color | |
setEditorIcon(Icon icon) | change icon to editor | |
setEditorValidation(boolean validation) | validation editor | |
void setValidationOnNull(boolean validationOnNull) | validation editor on null selection |
Method | Return Value | Description |
now() | set the date to current local date | |
setToBack() | slide panel to back with animation | |
setToForward() | slide panel to forward with animation | |
selectMonth() | show panel month slide with animation | |
selectYear() | show panel year slide with animation | |
slideTo(LocalDate date) | slide panel to specific date | |
getDateSelectionMode() | DateSelectionMode |
return the date selection mode |
setDateSelectionMode(DateSelectionMode mode) | set mode SINGLE_DATE_SELECTED or BETWEEN_DATE_SELECTED |
setSelectedDate(LocalDate date) | set the date to a specific value | |
setSelectedDateRange(LocalDate from, LocalDate to) | set the date range to a specific value | |
setEditor(JFormattedTextField editor) | disply the selected date on the editor and allow to edit date | |
setDateSelectionAble(DateSelectionAble dsb) | set date selection able | |
showPopup() | if date have editor, datepicker will show up with popup menu | |
closePopup() | close editor popup | |
setSeparator(String separator) | set separator to between date | |
setUsePanelOption(boolean usePanelOption) | set datepicker use panel option | |
setCloseAfterSelected(boolean closeAfterSelected) | if true popup will close after selected date | |
clearSelectedDate() | clear the selected date | |
isDateSelected() | boolean |
check date is selected |
getSelectedDate() | LocalDate |
return the selected date |
getSelectedDateRange() | LocalDate[] |
return the selected date range |
getSelectedDateAsString() | String |
return selected date as string |
addDateSelectionListener(DateSelectionListener evt) | add event date selection | |
removeDateSelectionListener(DateSelectionListener evt) | remove event date selection | |
selectCurrentMonth() | select from first day to current day in current month | |
setColor(Color color) | change base color | |
setEditorIcon(Icon icon) | change icon to editor | |
setDateFormat(String format) | change date format | |
setEditorValidation(boolean validation) | validation editor | |
void setValidationOnNull(boolean validationOnNull) | validation editor on null selection | |
void setAnimationEnabled(boolean animationEnabled) | enable or disabled the animation | |
void setPanelDateOptionLabel(PanelDateOptionLabel opt) | set new panel date option label | |
void setStartWeekOnMonday(boolean startWeekOnMonday) | show the monday is the start of the week |