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azure-umqtt-c is a general purpose library build for MQTT protocol
azure-mqtt client use the azure-c-shared-utility, which is a C library provisioning common functionality for basic tasks (like string, list manipulation, IO, etc.). azure-c-shared-utility is available here: azure-c-shared-utility needs to be built before building azure-mqtt-c.
- Clone azure-umqtt-c by:
git clone
cd azure-umqtt-c
git submodule update --init
Create a folder cmake under azure-umqtt-c
Switch to the cmake folder and run
cmake ..
- Build
cmake --build .
Optionally, you may choose to install azure-umqtt-c on your machine:
Switch to the cmake folder and run
cmake -Duse_installed=ON ../ cmake --build . --target install
or install using the follow commands for each platform:
On Linux:
sudo make install
On Windows:
find_package(umqtt REQUIRED CONFIG) target_link_library(yourlib umqtt)
This requires that azure-c-shared-utility is installed (through CMake) on your machine.
If running tests, this requires that umock-c, azure-ctest, and azure-c-testrunnerswitcher are installed (through CMake) on your machine.
In order to build the tests use:
cmake .. -Drun_unittests:bool=ON