This library enables the Wifi IoT module to access IoT platforms like IFTTT, BeeBotte and Easy_IoT, SIot, OneNET, and ThingSpeak.
To use this library, first download the library file, paste it into the \Arduino\libraries directory, then open the examples folder and run the demo in the folder.
* @brief Initial I2C
uint8_t begin(void);
* @brief Configure WiFi link network
* @param ssid WiFi name
* @param pwd Wifi password
* @return 0: WiFi connected, 1:WiFi connection error, 2: Connecting to WiFi
uint8_t connectWifi(char *ssid, char *pwd);
* @brief MQTT configuration
* @param server Server address
* @param port IOT port number
* @param id IOT ID name
* @param pwd IOT access password
* @return MQTT connection status
uint8_t MQTTBegin(char *server = NULL, char *port = NULL, char *productID = NULL, char *pwd = NULL, char* deviceID = NULL);
* @brief HTTP configuration
* @param ip Server address
* @return True:succeeded, false: failed
bool HTTPBegin(uint8_t *ip = NULL);
* @brief Title Subscription, up to 5
* @param topic Subscription channel
* @return 0 subscription succeeded, 1 subscription failed, 2 Reached subscription upper-limit, 3 subscription started, null None, 5 no subscription object
uint8_t subscribe(char *topic = NULL);
* @brief Send message to title
* @param data Data to be sent
* @param topic Subscription channel
* @return 0:succeeded, -1: failed
uint8_t publish(char *topic, String data);
* @brief Send any message to the title
* @param data Data to be sent
* @param topic Subscription channel
* @param len Data length
* @return 0:succeeded, -1: failed
uint8_t publish(char *topic, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);
* @brief HTTPget URL
char* HTTPGet(char *getUrl = NULL);
* @brief HTTPPost
* @param postUrl URL
* @param data Data to be sent
char* HTTPPost(char* postUrl, char* data);
* @brief Get version number
* @return Version information
char* getVersion();
* @brief Loop read status
void loop();
* @brief Set callback function
void setCallBack(callback call);
* @brief IFTTT configuration
* @param event IFTTT registered event name
* @param key IFTTT registered event key
* @return True: configuration succeeded, false: configuration failed
bool IFTTTBegin(char *event = NULL, char *key = NULL);
* @brief IFTTT send Messages
* @param data1 Data to be sent
void IFTTTSendMessage(char *data1, char *data2, char *data3);
* @brief Thingspeak configuration
* @param key Thingspeak Access key
* @return True: configuration succeeded, false: configuration failed
bool thingSpeakBegin(char *key);
* @brief Thingspeak send messages
* @param data Data to be sent
void thingSpeakSendMessage(char* data1 = NULL, char *data2 = NULL, char *data3 = NULL);
MCU | Work Well | Work Wrong | Untested | Remarks |
Arduino uno | √ | |||
Mega2560 | √ | |||
Leonardo | √ |
- Data 2020-6-17
- Version V1.0
Written by Tang([email protected]), 2020. (Welcome to our website)