Releases: DEENUU1/ChatGPT-Voice-Assistant
This is the second version of this project.
It allows returning summaries of the most popular articles in the country. Weather information and you can add your name to config.ini.
Inside the config file, you can choose from which country you would like to get news (for example US/PL/DE) and pick a language.
Before the first run you also need to paste the API key for open API and newspaper which you can get here:
If you got some questions go to the readme section
This is the first version of this project.
It allows returning summaries of the most popular articles in the country.
Inside the config file, you can choose from which country you would like to get news (for example US/PL/DE) and pick a language.
Before the first run you also need to paste the API key for open API and newspaper which you can get here:
If you got some questions go to the readme section