A config loader for Viper4Linux - An Adaptive Digital Sound Processor
| viper4linuxconfigloader |
| |
| welcome |
| |
| Description: |
| |
| this program is a loader program of the |
| project: viper4linux on github,for the |
| convinience of switching config files. |
| |
| This program does not contain any codes |
| from the viper4 team or any other teams,|
| and will be pubulish for free with MIT |
| licence. |
| |
| My github: https://github.com/CxZMoE |
| Bug reports are welcomed. |
| |
the program installed by debian package have config files provided by viper4linux author and community which is located in:
,you can use this path to fill in the settings section in the Installation Guide below.
wget https://github.com/CxZMoE/viper4linux-configloader/releases/download/v1.0/viper4linux-configloader-linux-amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i viper4linux-configloader-linux-amd64.deb
- download released executable file.
- change the filename to whatever you want it to be.
mv viper4linux-configloader-linux-amd64 viper4linux-configloader
- copy it to your bin directory(like
/.local/bin|/.bin|/usr/bin,etc),make sure the directory is included in your environment path.
# Check environment path.
echo $PATH
# /home/xxx/go/bin:/home/xxx/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin
# make sure the your bin directory is included in your environment path
sudo cp viper4linux-configloader /usr/bin
- run
run program
- You need to configure settings first when first run.
this step you need to set where you put config files,like:
- You can use
if you installed from debian package.
- You can use
then set where the audio.conf is,for my case,it's
- Notmally in
if you follow the installation guide of viper4linux.
- Notmally in
tip: if you have an empty config dicrectory, you need to fill it first before run this program.
when you configured settings, and config directory is not empty,the program should look like this:
Viper4Linux found at: /home/cxzmoe/.local/bin/viper
| viper4linuxconfigloader |
| |
| welcome |
| |
| Description: |
| |
| this program is a loader program of the |
| project: viper4linux on github,for the |
| convinience of switching config files. |
| |
| This program does not contain any codes |
| from the viper4 team or any other teams,|
| and will be pubulish for free with MIT |
| licence. |
| |
| My github: https://github.com/CxZMoE |
| Bug reports are welcomed. |
| |
Quit with 'Ctrl+C'.
2.[matis-FDS_soft-audio.conf] [With IRS]
3.[matis-FDS_v1-audio.conf] [With IRS]
4.[thepbone-clear_bass-audio.conf] [With IRS]
5.[topjor-srs_2_1-audio.conf] [With IRS]
6.[unequaled86-cCc-audio.conf] [With IRS]
Load config of number?
Select the config file you want to switch to and press enter.
How to clear my config? simply
rm -rf ~/.config/viper4linux-configloader
Where is the preprovided config files?
Where is the audio.conf? Notmally in
if you follow the installation guide of viper4linux.